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Animação/simulação Newtonian reflecting telescope


Ficha Técnica

Estructura curricular

Educação Básica::Ensino Médio::Física::Som, imagem e informação

Educação Superior::Ciências Exatas e da Terra::Astronomia::Astronomia Fundamental

Educação Básica::Ensino Médio::Física::Universo, terra e vida


This demonstration shows the newtonian reflecting telescope


This simple type of reflecting telescope was invented by Sir Isaac Newton. The primary paraboloidal mirror at the closed end of the telescope tube focuses incoming light toward a flat diagonal secondary mirror. The focal length is determined by the curvature of the paraboloid. The secondary mirror directs the focused beam toward the eyepiece. The thin "spider" supporting the secondary mirror is not shown. The telescope happens to be directed toward the planet Saturn and the observed image is shown as an inset


This demonstration needs MathematicaPlayer.EXE to run found in http://objetoseducacionais2.mec.gov.br/handle/mec/4737 and adobe flash player found in http://get.adobe.com/br/shockwave/


Blinder, S M

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Demonstration freeware using Mathematica Player

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