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Vídeo The Role of Genetics in Obesity


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Estrutura curricular

Educação Básica::Ensino Médio::Biologia::Qualidade de vida das populações humanas

Educação Básica::Ensino Médio::Biologia::Transmissão da vida, ética e manipulação genética


learn about obesity and how both genetics and behavior play a role in its development


Obesity researchers Sadaf Forooqi, Stephen O'Rahilly, and Jeffrey Friedman discuss the physiological basis of appetite regulation, including the roles of the hormone leptin, which suppresses hunger, and the melanocortin 4-receptor, or MC4R, which processes the message to control appetite. The relative importance of a healthy diet and exercise is also emphasized


Media Type:QuickTime Video


Educational Foundation, WGBH

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