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Software Educacional Tangram


Ficha Técnica

Estrutura curricular

Educação Básica::Ensino Fundamental Final::Matemática::Espaço e forma

Educação Básica::Ensino Fundamental Inicial::Matemática::Espaço e forma


To realize space dimensions; establish the relations of shape and size; identify the geometric shapes in images, symbols


It is an educational game in which the goal is to put the pieces of the puzzle with different shapes and sizes, to reconstruct a pattern. It is composed by four levels of difficulty. There is also an editor that allows you to create your own enigma collections


It is a commercial website in which there are freewares that can be used for educational purposes


Overmars, Mark

Fonte do recurso



Resources licensed on the website: “TANGRAM may be used free of charge, in any way, for any purpose. - Un excellent amusement gratuit et évolutif pour les plus jeunes”

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