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Software Educacional Marina's family


Ficha Técnica

Estrutura curricular

Educação Infantil::Linguagem oral e escrita::Concepção de alfabetização

Educação Infantil::Linguagem oral e escrita::Práticas de leitura

Educação Infantil::Linguagem oral e escrita::Práticas de escrita


To develop in the students reading and writing in the English language


The educational object is destined to work vocabulary and family relations in English


To view or use the resource the computer must have installed the virtual machine Java, available at www.java.com/pt_BR/ and also have installed the JClic application from: http://clic.xtec.cat/es/jclic/download.htm


J. Paniego, Víctor

Aguilar, Macarena

Fonte do recurso



The educational object is provided under the Creative Commons 2.1 license that allows to copy, distribute, publish and produce derived works as long as they are shared under the same license and the original author is mentioned. The use for commercial purposes is forbidden

Idioma Tamanho do arquivo Acessos
Inglês 996 B 4530
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