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Going shopping



Autor y Coautor(es)
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UBERLANDIA - MG Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Eliana Dias, Lazuita Goretti de Oliveira

Estructura Curricular
Modalidad / Nivel de Enseñanza Disciplina Tema
Ensino Médio Língua Estrangeira Competência comunicativa: componentes linguísticos, sociolinguísticos e pragmáticos
Ensino Médio Língua Estrangeira Competência pluricultural: língua como meio de acesso às manifestações culturais
Ensino Médio Língua Estrangeira Compreensão leitora
Ensino Médio Língua Estrangeira Produção escrita
Ensino Médio Língua Estrangeira Compreensão oral
Ensino Médio Língua Estrangeira Produção oral
Datos de la Clase
O que o aluno poderá aprender com esta aula
  • Familiarizar-se com expressões relacionadas ao tema da aula: compras.
  • Utilizar vocabulário/ expressões relacionados ao tema da aula.
Duração das atividades
2 módulos de 50 minutos cada
Conhecimentos prévios trabalhados pelo professor com o aluno

Não é necessário conhecimento prévio, já que se trata de conteúdo de nível básico.

Estratégias e recursos da aula
  • Recursos multimídia;
  • imagens veiculadas na internet;
  • vídeo;
  • atividades xerocopiadas;
  • atividades online;
  • role-play;
  • atividade de compreensão escrita.








Disponível em: https://www.google.com.br/search?hl=pt-PT&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1600&bih=775&q=shopping&oq=shopping&gs_l=img.3..0l10.98.1698.0.2602.



shopping-illustration-featuring-bob-meg-doing-o-christmas-season-isolated-white-background-eps-file-available-image34426421%3B1300%3B1033 (Acesso em: 06.08.2014)






Atividade 1


Professor, introduza  o tema da aula, propondo uma discussão sobre  compras, utilizando-se das perguntas a seguir.  

Você poderá dividir a turma em duplas, caso o número de alunos seja grande. Se menor, a discussão poderá ser aberta. 


a) Do you enjoy shopping? Why? Why not? 

b) Do you enjoy window shopping? Why/not? What´s your favourite place to shop? Why?

c) Have you ever bought anything from a catalogue or shopped online? What did you buy?

d) How safe do you think it is to shop online? Do you worry about credit card fraud?

e) How often do you go shopping? Do you compare prices at different stores when you go shopping?

f) When you go shopping what influences you more: price, quality, the layout of the shop?

g) Are you a shopaholic?  Do you know anyone who is shopaholic?

h) Small local shops or big supermarkets? Which do you prefer? Why?



Atividade 2


Distribua uma cópia do texto seguinte para os alunos e peça a eles que o leiam silenciosamente. Em seguida, cada aluno deverá ler uma frase do texto em voz alta. Tire as dúvidas quanto ao vocabulário, mas reforce que não é necessário saber o significado de todas as palavras do texto para compreendê-lo.


Internet damaging 20,000 U.K. stores 

The Internet has changed the nature of the way we shop. More and more of us are shopping online instead of in "bricks and mortar" stores. In the United Kingdom, this is having dire consequences for the traditional high-street store. A respected business leader has released a report containing grim statistics on the future of U.K. retailing. CEO Bill Grimsey warns that 47 per cent of Britain's chain stores are "horribly stressed financially". This amounts to some 20,000 shops. He predicts a quarter of these will be out of business within the next three years. Mr Grimsey has also said that the continual demise of traditional shopping streets has led to what he termed as "ugly" town centres.Mr Grimsey provided a range of reasons for the degeneration of Britain's downtown areas. Over 40,000 of Britain's shops are empty; roughly eleven per cent of all retail space. Grimsey said many stores have not sufficiently risen to meet the challenge posed by the Internet. He said that rather than looking to the future, and at innovative ideas to lure customers back, many stores are still stuck in the past. In particular, he said companies were too "nostalgic". Another reason is that multinational companies are draining local areas of money. He said: "It is not difficult to keep local money within the local economy, but it doesn't work if…we are listening too much to big firms."


A fim de observar a compreensão dos alunos, faça as seguintes perguntas, em voz alta, e peça para que um aluno, por vez, respondam-nas. Incentive-os a responderem na língua inglesa. As respostas podem ser escritas no quadro, facilitando a visualização e a correção pelos alunos.   


1. How did the article describe traditional shops?

2. What kind of consequences is the Internet having on stores?

3. What did a report contain?

4. How many shops could go bust within the next three years?

5. How did a CEO describe the look of town centres?

6. What percentage of retail space in the UK is vacant?

7. What ideas have stores not been looking at?

8. What feelings did the CEO say stores had too much of?

9. What is draining local economies of money?

10. How can local economies make things difficult for themselves?


Adaptado do site: http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com/1309/130903-retail-chains.html#Top (Acesso em: 13.08.2014)



Atividade 3


Useful Vocabulary


Projete as seguintes imagens que se referem a vocábulos utilizados em relação ao tema da aula. Peça para que os alunos repitam as palavras, solucionando as dúvidas com vocabulário. 


Em seguida, os alunos deverão elaborar pequenas frases com o vocabulário apresentado. Ajude-os com a estrutura correta das frases, que deverão ser compartilhadas com os demais alunos do grupo. Corrija a pronúncia da palavras, se necessário. 


shop(s) customer(s) cashier(s)
Shop(s) Customer(s) Cashier(s)
Men=wallet(s) Women=purse(s) scale(s) till(s)
Wallet(s) (m)
Purse(s) (f)
Scales Till(s)
shelf(shelves) aisle(s) barcode(s)
Shelf Shelves Barcode(s)
trolley(trollies) lift bag(s)
Trolley(s) Lift(s) Bag(s)
basket(s) changing room(s) escalator
Basket(s) Changing Room(s) Escalator(s)




Ways to pay

cheque(s) cash banknote(s)
Cheque(s) Cash Note(s)
coin(s) credit or debit card(s)  
Coin(s) Credit card(s)
Debit card(s)


Disponível em: http://www.learnenglish.de/vocabulary/shopping.html (Acesso em 06.08.2014)


Atividade 4




Os alunos deverão completar as sentenças abaixo, com palavras contidas na tabela, a seguir. Distribua uma cópia da atividade para cada aluno. Para a correção, os alunos deverão se revezar para a leitura das frases.  


Fill in the blanks with the words in the box below:


(1) reasonable



(2)   cash


credit card

(3)   fit



(4)  discount



(5)   than




(1) The price:

If something costs a lot of money then it is ____________. But if it’s on sale then it is usually ____________. A ____________ price is the price that you would expect to pay for something.


(2) Payment:

When you pay for something, if you have enough money in your pocket you can pay with ___________. If you don’t, you can put it on your _____________ or write a _____________.


(3) Sizes:

If you have gained some weight, your clothes might be a little ____________. On the other hand, if you have lost some weight, they might be a little _____________. If your clothes ___________, then they are not too big and they are not too small.


(4) The Bill:

When you go to a restaurant, it is nice to get a ____________. It’s also nice to get service. But if the service isn’t good, then you don’t have to leave a ___________. In some countries, when you order food you also have to pay a _____________.


5) Comparison Shopping:

Forty dollars __________ a meal is a little expensive. Of course, there are some restaurants that are much more pricey ____________ that. On the other hand, there are some really good restaurants that are not as costly ________ that.


Adaptado do site: http://bogglesworldesl.com/ox/WorkBookExpressions.doc (Acesso em: 11.08.2014)



Atividade 5


Distribua o seguinte diálogo para cada aluno e disponibilize um tempo de 10 minutos para que realizem uma leitura silenciosa. Em seguida, eleja dois alunos para a leitura em voz alta. Corrija a pronúncia, se necessário, e tire as dúvidas em relação ao vocabulário. 


Para finalizar, peça para que todos os alunos façam a leitura do diálogo em voz alta, para que você, professor, possa observar a pronúncia correta das palavras e expressões.


Salesperson: Hi. Can I help you find anything?

Customer: Yes. I am looking for an outfit for a Christmas party.

S: Is it formal or informal?

C: It is pretty informal, I think.

S: Are you looking at pants or a dress?

C: I think a dress or a skirt. Preferably something in red.

S: We have some nice red dresses over in this area. They look very festive for the Christmas season.

S: What size are you looking for?

C: I think about a size 10.

S: Okay, here are a couple. Would you like to try them on?

C: Yes, please.

S: Sure, our fitting rooms are back here. (Customer tries on dress.)

S: How did you make out?

C: Good. The first one didn’t quite fit right but I really like the second one.

S: Great! Just to let you know, it’s on sale so there are no refunds or exchanges.

C: That’s fine. I know it will look great at the party.

S: Thank-you and come again.

E-Mail Michelle!


Disponível em: http://lessonplanspage.com/esl_adultshopping-htm/ (Acesso em: 10.08.2014)






Atividade 6


Distribua uma cópia dos diálogos a seguir para cada dupla de aluno. Disponibilize um tempo de, aproximadamente, 15 minutos para que os alunos os completem.
Para a correção, peça aos alunos  que leiam os diálogos em voz alta. Se achar necessário, escreva as respostas no quadro ou as projete, facilitando a visualização e a correção.  Se julgar conveniente, divida a sala em dois grupos que ficarão responsáveis por um dos diálogos. 

A) In the Ladies'Wear Department

Complete the dialogue (Typical dialogue with a female customer).
• Shop assistant: Hello, can I ________you?
• Customer: I ______________ for a pair of jeans.
• Shop assistant: What ____________do you take?
• Customer: Twenty nine.
• Shop assistant: We have some very nice blue jeans here. They’re ______________ this week.
• Customer: Well, I actually _____________ black jeans.
• Shop assistant: That's okay. We ____________ have them in black.
• Customer: Where can I __________ them on?
• Shop assistant: The _____________ room is over there.
The customer tries the jeans on.
• Customer: They’re ____________ big.
• Shop assistant: Would you like a ____________ size?
• Customer: Yes, ________________.
The customer tries the jeans on.
• Customer: These _____________ rather well. But I think I look ____________in them. Don't you think?
• Shop assistant: Not at all. These jeans _______________ you very well.
• Customer: Well, I think I _____________ a bluepair.
The shop assistant brings a pair of blue jeans and the customer tries the jeans on.
• Customer: They are very _______________ and I don't like blue jeans, anyway. Do you mind _____________ me another pair in black?
• Shop assistant: No, not at all. ...

B) In the Men's Wear Department 

Complete the dialogue (Typical dialogue with a male customer).
• Customer: _____________I need a shirt.
• Shop assistant: Short sleeved or ____________ sleeved?
• Customer: Short sleeved, please.
• Shop assistant: What ______________do you take?
• Customer: I ________________.
• Shop assistant: I think you are size 40. Here is a nice chequered shirt. ________________ to try iton?
• Customer: ____________, please.
The customer tries the shirt on.
• Shop assistant: _________________
• Customer: Yes, it ______________. Where is the cash _____________?

• Shop assistant: It's over there. I _______________the shirt there for you.


Disponível em: http://www.powerenglish.de/assets/42/Retail_Quiz.pdf (Acesso em: 06.08.2014)



Atividade 7


No laboratório de informática, os alunos deverão acessar o link: http://www.eslfast.com/robot/topics/shop/shop.htm (Acesso em: 11.08.2014).


Cada dupla de aluno ficará responsável por ouvir um dos diversos diálogos disponíveis nesse  link, que se referem a uma coleção de diálogos (A collection of shopping dialogs) sobre o tema da aula. Depois de selecionados, os alunos deverão ouvir os diálogos escolhidos, quantas vezes forem necessárias, a fim de se prepararem para apresentação para todo o restante do grupo. Circule pelo laboratório, ajudando-os com possíveis dúvidas. Essa atividade poderá ser avaliada pelo professor, observando a pronúncia correta das palavras, a entonação das expressões e a performance dos alunos. 


Professor, observe, sempre, o funcionamento dos equipamentos multimídia, para que não tenha problemas com a qualidade da produção das atividades de seus alunos. 



Dialogue 1: Talking to someone about a sweater




A: Where can I buy an inexpensive cashmere sweater?
B: Maybe you should look around for an outlet.
A: That is a wonderful idea.
B: Outlets have more reasonable prices.
A: Thank you for your help.
B: No problem. Good luck.




A: Where can I find a cheap cashmere sweater?
B: How about an outlet?
A: Great idea!
B: Outlets give good deals.
A: Thank you so much.
B: You're welcome.




A: Do you know anywhere that sells cheap cashmere sweaters?
B: Outlets have cheap cashmere sweaters.
A: What a splendid idea!
B: Outlets usually give you great deals.
A: Thanks for helping me.
B: You're welcome.




A: Do you know a place that sells cheap cashmere sweaters?
B: An outlet carries cheap cashmere sweaters.
A: That's a good idea!
B: I've always had good luck at outlets.
A: Thank you for the suggestion.
B: I hope you find a nice sweater.





A: I'm looking for a shop that sells inexpensive cashmere sweaters.
B: Have you tried an outlet?
A: Why didn't I think of that?
B: Many of my friends shop at outlets.
A: Thanks. That is a good suggestion.
B: I'm only too happy to help.


Disponível em: http://www.eslfast.com/robot/topics/shop/shop.htm (Acesso em: 11.08.2014) 


Atividade 8


Como última atividade da aula, peça para que os alunos completem o parágrafo abaixo, utilizando as seguintes palavras: 


tag, label, cashier, bargain, receipt, exchange, take back, try on, fit, advice, shop assistant, credit card, check, select, cash, refund, size, sale


Essa atividade poderá ser xerocopiada e distribuída para cada aluno, ou, então, projetada. Disponibilize um tempo de 10 minutos para que completem o exercício. Para a correção, cada aluno ficará responsável pela leitura de uma frase. Observe, sempre, a participação de todos os alunos em relação às atividades propostas na aula.  


If you want to go shopping there are a number of things you have to consider. If you would like to find a _____ you should make sure to go to a _____. The only problem with a sale is that it is sometimes hard to _____ something once you buy it. Many stores also refuse to give a _____ on anything you have bought. If you are looking for clothes, make sure to _____, check the _____ to make sure that it is a good _____. Another good idea is to look at the _____ and _____ to see instructions for washing, etc. It's always a good idea to also ask the _____ for _____. Finally, when you go to the _____ you can usually pay by _____ or _____ if you don't have the _____. Never forget to get the _____!


Disponível em: http://esl.about.com/od/vocabularyquizzes/a/Gap-Fill-Shopping.htm (Acesso em: 13.08.2014)

Recursos Complementares

Para outras atividades com o tema da aula, acesse:


http://www.eslflow.com/elementarylessonplans.html (Acesso em: 13.08.2014)

http://www.eslfast.com/robot/topics/shop/1shop03.htm (Acesso em: 13.08.2014)

A avaliação qualitativa deverá acontecer durante o desenvolvimento de todas as atividades propostas na aula. Ao observar os alunos, o professor deverá avaliar suas dificuldades e o desempenho de cada um. Para uma avaliação formal, peça para que os alunos façam um pôster virtual ou cartazes em que descrevam e ilustrem as vantagens e desvantagens de se fazer compras pela internet. Os trabalhos deverão ser apresentados para todo o grupo.
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