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When Jane arrived home, the maid had cleaned the house: the past perfect tense



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UBERLANDIA - MG Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Eliana Dias, Lazuíta Goretti de Oliveira

Estrutura Curricular
Modalidade / Nível de Ensino Componente Curricular Tema
Ensino Médio Língua Estrangeira Competência pluricultural: língua como meio de acesso às manifestações culturais
Ensino Fundamental Final Língua Estrangeira Aspectos morfológicos, sintáticos e fonológicos
Ensino Médio Língua Estrangeira Produção escrita
Ensino Médio Língua Estrangeira Competência comunicativa: componentes linguísticos, sociolinguísticos e pragmáticos
Dados da Aula
O que o aluno poderá aprender com esta aula
  • Expressar a ideia de que algo aconteceu antes de uma outra ação do passado, utilizando-se do tempo verbal PAST PERFECT. 
Duração das atividades
2 módulos de 50 minutos cada
Conhecimentos prévios trabalhados pelo professor com o aluno

Os alunos deverão conhecer os tempos verbais como: presente e passado simples, além das estruturas básicas da língua como sujeito, verbos, adjetivo e advérbio. 

Estratégias e recursos da aula
  • Recursos multimídia;
  • imagens veiculadas na internet;
  • atividades xerocopiadas;
  • atividades online;
  • vídeo;
  • quiz.






Atividade 1

Professor, introduza a aula, acessando o vídeo "Past Perfect Simple Examples", disponível em: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOZFddkJoLg&list=PLoEeswqEiLQAq7cBa_gPLR-Bwz3ojwigw (Acesso em: 18.08.2014).


Peça para que os alunos assistam ao vídeo e na segunda parte produzam as frases, conforme sugerido. Pause o vídeo, disponibilizando tempo necessário para a elaboração das frases. Só dê continuidade ao vídeo depois de verificar se todos os alunos já terminaram  a atividade.




Imagem ilustrativa do vídeo



Atividade 2


Dando continuidade à explicação introduzida no vídeo da atividade anterior, projete o seguinte texto, que se refere à formação e ao uso do tempo verbal apresentado na aula, qual seja, o past perfect. Peça aos alunos que façam  a leitura do texto, revezando o turno de fala. Pause toda vez que observar que não houve o entendimento por parte dos alunos.  


Using The Past Perfect

Look at the following sentences.  Which happened first?

We all felt so sick.  We took strange medicine.  

We can only assume that the people in the above situation, first, felt sick and then took strange medicine.  However, in English, there is grammar that can make the above situation very clear.  It is called the past perfect.   

You probably know what perfect means (100% pure, no problems).  However, in English grammar, the word perfect means past.  Whenever you see the word perfect referring to English grammar, just saypast.  Therefore, the past perfect means past past.  This is exactly what the past perfect means: the past past.  In other words, it is an action that happened (and finished) before another action in the past.

Look at the time line below.

  I ate a big breakfast. I went to school.   Now  

  7:30am 8:00am      

What happened first?  What happened second?

First:  I ate breakfast.

Second:  I went to school.

REMEMBER: Both of these activities happened in the past!  However, one happened before the other.

Here is a common way to write (or say) these two actions using the past perfect.  The past perfect is written in red.

Before I went to school, I had eaten a big breakfast.


After I had eaten breakfast, I went to school.

What do you notice about the past perfect?  First, you should have noticed that the past perfect is the action (had eaten a big breakfast) that happened BEFORE the other action in the past (went to school).

The second thing you probably noticed is that the past perfect is written with had and a past participle.  The past participle and the simple past are usually the same if the simple past ends in -ed.  If the simple past does NOT end in -ed, the past participle is probably different from the simple past.   

Here is how the past perfect is formed:

I   had   eaten
subject + had + past participle

Here's another timeline.  Look at the timeline and make a sentence with the past perfect and the word before.

  Sam cooked dinner Carol got home   Now  

  1:30pm 3:00pm      

What happened first?  What happened second?

First:  Sam cooked dinner.

Second:  Carol got home.

Therefore, the answer is

Before Carol got home, Sam had already cooked dinner.

NOTE: The past participle of cook is cooked, which is the same as the simple past (cooked).  

Using the word after, you can write the following:

After Sam had cooked dinner, Carol got home.

If you use the words after or before in this type of situation, the simple past is sometimes used with BOTH actions because the words after and before already make the time relationship clear.  In other words, when the words after and before are used, the past perfect is sometimes NOT used.  The following example shows this:

Before Carol got home, Sam cooked dinner.
After Sam cooked dinner, Carol got home.

Although the past perfect is sometimes not used in this type of situation, we recommend you use thepast perfect, especially in formal writing.

There are other phrases that are commonly used with the past perfect:

by   (time)             by the time          when

Byby the time, and when mean before.

Take a look at the following examples:

By 3:30, Carol had already gotten home.
By the time Carol got home, Sam had already cooked dinner.
When Carol got home, Sam had already cooked dinner.

Now, let's go back to the first sentence above.  

We all felt so sick.  We took strange medicine.  

Which happened first?  The answer is we don't know.  The writer of these 2 sentences didn't use thepast perfect.  As far as we know, these 2 events could have happened at the same time.  Now, you know why using the past perfect is so important.

Disponível em: http://www.myenglishteacher.net/pastperfecttense.html (Acesso em: 18.08.2014)


Atividade 3 - Quiz time


Distribua uma cópia xerocopiada da atividade para cada aluno, que deverá ler e rescrever as frases, empregando o past perfect. Os alunos deverão combinar as frases, usando a palavra ou frase sugerida. Exemplo: 


1.  First: Bill bought a house in Barcelona.

     Second: Mary moved to Barcelona.

     Phrase or Word: Before  

     Answer: Before Mary moved to Barcelona, Bill had already bought a house there.


Circule pela sala, ajudando-os com as dúvidas que surgirem. Se achar conveniente, os alunos poderão trabalhar em duplas ou trios. Para a correção, cada aluno deverá se responsabilizar pela leitura de uma frase, que deverá ser escrita no quadro, facilitando a visualização e a correção. 


2.  First: The children finished dinner.

     Second: They ate ice cream.

     Phrase or Word: After


3.  First: Millions of Native Americans (American Indians) were in North America for thousands of years.

     Second: Christopher Columbus landed in North America in 1492.

     Phrase or Word: When


4.  First: In 1753, Jean-François Pilatre de Rozier became the world’s first human flier by using a balloon.

    Second: The Wright Brothers flew their first plane on December 17, 1903.

    Phrase or Word: By the time


5.  First: The world went from the Wright Brothers’ first flight in Kitty Hawk to the moon.

     Second: 1970

     Phrase or Word: By 1970


6.  First: The world’s population hit the 6 billion mark.

     Second: December 31, 2000

     Phrase or Word: By the end of the 20th century.


7.  First: The National Free Bank made bad investments.

     Second: They went bankrupt.

     Phrase or Word: After


8.  First: Professor Lee taught at Beijing university for 32 years.

    Second: Professor Lee retired.

    Phrase or Word: When


9.  First: Robert Peary and Matthew Henson reached the North Pole in 1909.

    Second: Robert Scott and four others reached the South Pole in 1912.

    Phrase or Word: By the time


10.  First: The buffalo almost became extinct.

      Second: 1900

      Phrase or Word: By 1900  


Adaptado do site: http://www.myenglishteacher.net/pastperfecttense.html (Acesso em: 18.08.2014)





Atividade 4


Escreva algumas expressões do passado em pedaços de papel, dobre-os e coloque-os em uma caixa. Cada aluno sorteia uma expressão e diz alguma coisa que já tenha feito naquela época, usando o past perfect. Os alunos deverão incluir 'already' em suas frases.


Por exemplo: 

Expressão do passado sorteada: In February

Frase elaborada pelo aluno: I had already applied to school in February. 


Algumas expressões do passado que poderão ser utilizadas: In March, last Christmas, by this time, last year, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last Monday, on Friday, etc


Adaptado do site: http://busyteacher.org/13634-past-perfect-7-perfect-activities.html (Acesso em: 18.08.2014)


Atividade 5


A classe toda deverá listar atividades que tenham feito, usando o passado e expressões de tempo. As atividades e expressões deverão ser escritas no quadro. 


Por exemplo: Last year I took a trip to LA. 


A seguir, cada aluno deverá dizer algo que tenha feito antes dos eventos listados, usando o past perfect e uma oração subordinada, começando com 'before'.


Por exemplo: I had seen a movie about LA before your trip to LA.  


Observe se todos os alunos participam da atividade. Disponibilize tempo para que elaborem suas frases. Ajude-os com o vocabulário adequado. 


Disponível em: http://busyteacher.org/13634-past-perfect-7-perfect-activities.html (Acesso em: 18.08.2014)


Atividade 6 - A surprise birthday party


Essa atividade consiste em elaborar frases a respeito de uma desastrosa festa de aniversário feita para Jim. Organize os alunos em duplas, para a realização da atividade. Distribua cópias para cada aluno individualmente, mesmo que a atividade seja feita em duplas. Isso facilita a participação de todos, que deverão escrever suas próprias respostas. 


Em um primeiro momento, os alunos deverão relacionar os problemas da festa com o que tinha acontecido.  Por exemplo:


Problema 1 - forgot to send out the invitations - letter c


Verifique se há problemas com o vocabulário e ajude-os, se necessário. 

Problem                                                 What had happened
1. not many guests                           a. didn't go clothes shopping
2. no birthday cake                            b. DJ had an accident
3. nothing to drink                              c. forgot to send out the invitations
4. no new clothes to wear                d. forgot to go to the shop
5. no music                                         e. bakery closed


Em seguida, peça para que os alunos descrevam os problemas, usando o tempo verbal past simple e expliquem a causa do problema, empregando o tempo verbal past perfect
There weren't many guests because Harry had forgotten to send out the invitations.
Suggested answers:
There was no birthday cake as the bakery had closed.
There was also nothing to drink as I had forgotten to go to the shop.
I didn't have any new clothes to wear because I hadn't been clothes shopping.
But worst of all, there was no music because the DJ had had an accident, travelling to the party.
Adaptado da fonte: http://www.teach-this.com/images/resources/past-perfect-party.pdf (Acesso em: 18.08.2014)
Atividade 7
Novamente em duplas, os alunos receberão as duas partes da tabela abaixo separadamente. Deverão colocá-las juntas, de modo a formar frases.  

Why was Suzie tired yesterday?

Because she had gone to a party the night before.

Why was your plane late?

Because it had been delayed by bad weather.

Why couldn't Maggie find her phone?

Because she had left it at home.

Why wasn't Paul hungry at lunch?

Because he had had a late breakfast.

Why didn't Andy go to his maths lesson?

Because he hadn't done his homework.

Why was Keith late for work?

Because he had got stuck in a traffic jam.

Why was Agnes red in the face when she arrived on the sixth floor.

Because the lift had broken down and she had just run up the stairs.

Why didn't the TV work when you switched it on?

Because you had forgotten to plug it in!

Why wasn't Eric worried when his computer crashed?

Because he had backed up all his data.

Why was Millie crying this afternoon?

Because she had had an argument with her boyfriend.

Why was Amy so pleased with herself this morning?

Because she had passed her exam.

Why couldn't Robert come to the party?

Because he had arranged to meet some friends that evening.


Adaptado do site: http://www.eltbase.com/vtr_item.php?type=mat&matid=635 (Acesso em: 18.08.2014)


Recursos Complementares

Professor, a avaliação qualitativa deverá acontecer durante o desenvolvimento de todas as atividades propostas na aula. Ao observar os alunos, o professor deverá perceber se houve interesse e participação nas atividades. 

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