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Expressing (dis)agreement



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UBERLANDIA - MG Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Eliana Dias e Lazuíta Goretti de Oliveira

Estrutura Curricular
Modalidade / Nível de Ensino Componente Curricular Tema
Ensino Médio Língua Estrangeira Compreensão leitora
Ensino Médio Língua Estrangeira Produção oral
Ensino Médio Língua Estrangeira Compreensão oral
Ensino Médio Língua Estrangeira Competência pluricultural: língua como meio de acesso às manifestações culturais
Ensino Médio Língua Estrangeira Produção escrita
Ensino Médio Língua Estrangeira Competência comunicativa: componentes linguísticos, sociolinguísticos e pragmáticos
Dados da Aula
O que o aluno poderá aprender com esta aula
  • Familiarizar-se com o uso de expressões relacionadas ao tema da aula: agrreing and disagreeing
Duração das atividades
2 módulos de 50 minutos cada
Conhecimentos prévios trabalhados pelo professor com o aluno
  • Não há necessidade de conhecimentos prévios, pois o conteúdo é de nível básico.
Estratégias e recursos da aula
  • recursos multimídia;
  • vídeo;
  • jogos;
  • atividades xerocopiadas;
  • atividades online;
  • imagens veiculadas na internet; 
  • atividades de compreensão auditiva;
  • atividades de compreensão escrita



                                            EXPRESSING (DIS)AGREEMENT



Imagem fonte: https://www.google.com.br/search?hl=pt-PT&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1024&bih=643&q=EXPRESSING+AGREEMENT+AND+DISAGREEMENT&oq=EXPRESSING+AGREEMENT+


%252Fagreeing-and-disagreeing%252F%3B336%3B260 (acesso em 23.08.2014)




Atividade 1


  • Professor, projete o seguinte texto aos alunos e peça para que leiam, silenciosamente, as expressões usadas para concordar ou discordar de ideias na língua inglesa. O texto poderá ser xerocopiado e entregue aos alunos para que componham seus arquivos pessoais. Após a leitura silenciosa, peça para que cada aluno se responsabilize pela leitura oral de uma das formas de concordar e discordar. Foque nos exemplos, uma vez que eles ajudam a contextualizar a ideia introduzida pelo texto.  


Ways of expressing agreement:


That’s right/You’re right/I know: used when agreeing with someone:
‘It’s supposed to be a very good school.’ ‘That’s right. They get great results.’
‘He’s really boring, isn’t he?’ ‘Oh, I know, he never stops talking about himself.’

Exactly/Absolutely/I couldn’t agree more: used for saying that you completely agree with someone:
‘When we were young, people didn’t get into debt.’ ‘Exactly. You just bought what you could afford.’
‘I think Jacob is the best person for the job.’ ‘Absolutely. I’ll be amazed if he doesn’t get it.’
‘We had to wait three months to get a phone line – it’s ridiculous.’ ‘I couldn’t agree more.

You can say that again/You’re telling me: a more informal way of saying that you completely agree with someone:
‘It’s so cold outside!’ ‘You can say that again!
‘The buses are so unreliable!’ ‘You’re telling me! I’ve been waiting here for half an hour.’

Why not? used when agreeing with a suggestion someone has made:
‘Let’s go to the cinema tonight.’ ‘Why not? We haven’t been for ages.’

I suppose (so)/I guess (so): used when you agree that someone is right, but you are not happy with the situation:
‘We’ll have to get some new tyres.’ ‘I suppose so/I guess so. But it will be expensive.’


Ways of expressing disagreement:


I’m sorry, but…/Excuse me, but…/Pardon me, but…: used when politely telling someone that you do not agree with them:
Sorry/Excuse me/Pardon me, but it was never proved that he stole that car.

Absolutely not/Of course not…/Nothing of the kind! used for saying that you completely disagree with what someone has said:
‘I think I should accept the blame for the accident.’ ‘Absolutely not!/Of course not!/Nothing of the kind! There’s no way it was your fault.’

I don’t know/I take your point/That’s true, but…: used as polite ways of saying that you do not really agree with someone:
‘Peter is really unfriendly sometimes. ‘I don’t know, he’s always been very kind to me.’
‘These taxes on petrol are far too high.’ ‘Well yes, I take your pointBut maybe that’ll encourage people to use their cars less.’
‘She’s a difficult person to work with.’ ‘That’s true, but she’s a really good designer.’

Speak for yourself…: an informal and sometimes impolite way of telling someone that your opinion is very different to theirs:
‘We don’t mind walking from here.’ ‘Speak for yourself! My feet are killing me!’

Don’t make me laugh/Are you kidding?/You must be joking…: informal ways of telling someone you completely disagree with them, and you think that what they have said is crazy:
‘I really think the Beatles are overrated.’ ‘Are you kidding?/Don’t make me laugh! They’re better than any of the modern bands.’


Fonte adaptada: http://www.macmillandictionaryblog.com/life-skills-tip-of-the-week-ways-of-expressing-agreement-or-disagreement (acesso em 23.08.2014)


Atividade 2


  • Professor, reproduza o seguinte vídeo aos alunos, disponível em: http://pt.englishcentral.com/video/21793/expressing-agreement (acesso em 24.08.2014).
  • Em um primeiro momento, os alunos deverão assistir ao vídeo, que poderá ser apresentado mais de uma vez, dependendo da necessidade da turma.
  • O próximo passo consiste nos alunos inserirem as palavras que faltam nas expressões que aparecem no vídeo.
  • Em seguida, os alunos deverão praticar a pronúncia, repetindo a frase que aparece na tela, e receber um feedback da pronúncia.
  • Por fim, os alunos deverão testar seus conhecimento do vocabulário introduzido no vídeo.
  • Cada etapa dessa atividade poderá ser repetida várias vezes, dependendo da necessidade do grupo. Circule pela sala, observando as dificuldades e dúvidas de seus alunos.


- Não se esqueça de checar a qualidade dos recursos multimídias, uma vez que eles interferem na produtividade dos alunos. 



Imagem ilustrativa do vídeo


Atividade 3


Após introdução da atividade anterior, peça para que os alunos completem as expressões de concordar ou discordar, escrevendo-as no quadro para facilitar a visualização e a correção.  


Complete these expressions of agreement and disagreement.

1. You can say that _____________.
2. You’re _____________ me.
3. I _____________ agree more.
4. I’m _____________ to agree.
5. I agree _____________ to a point, but ...
6. I _____________ go as far as to say that.
7. I _____________ your point, but ...
8. You’ve got a _____________ there, but ...
9. _____________ for yourself.
10. Don’t make me _____________.
11. Are you _____________?
12. You must be _____________.
13. _____________ of the kind!


Atividade 4


Explique aos alunos que não há uma clara ou nítida diferença entre uma maneira formal e informal de concordar ou discordar de alguém na língua inglesa. No entanto, é preciso tomar cuidado ao usar expressões muito formais em certas situações, para não se tornar indelicado e grosseiro. 

  • Professor, disponibilize as expressões abaixo, separadas de forma a mostrar aos alunos como refugar fortemente uma ideia ou como aceitar totalmente outra.  



·         Simple agreement


1.     I agree.

2.     I really agree with you.

3.     I think you are right.

4.     I couldn’t agree with you more.

5.     You said it.

6.     Can’t say I don’t agree.

7.     I’m with you on this.

8.     I partly agree

9.     I agree on this but not that.

10.  It’s partly true.


·          Accepting/Declining/Expressing acceptance


o    I accept your point.

o    Please accept this on our behalf.

o    Sorry, I can’t accept this.

o    I’m 100% with you on this!

o    Great idea.

o    I’ll take it.

o    Sorry, I can’t take it.

o    Accept my apology.      


·          Simple disagreement or refusal


o    I disagree with you.

o    Everyone has their own opinion, right?

o    I think you’re wrong on this.

o    I’m sorry but I have to refuse your request.

o    You’re wrong.

o      No way!

o    You’ve got to be kidding!

o    How can you even say that?

o    Where is your logic?


o     Strong disagreement


o    I completely disagree with you.

o    You are very wrong to say that.

o    I totally disagree with you.

o    I can’t find myself to agree with you.

o    You’re dead wrong.


  • Professor, em seguida, com a ajuda de um áudio, disponibilize a atividade localizada em  http://www.englishpond.com/speaking/Communication%20and%20daily%20English/agreeingaudio/ (acesso em 23.08.2014) e peça para que os alunos ouçam as expressões acima, observando tanto a ênfase das expressões quanto a pronúncia correta das palavras. Peça para que, aluno por aluno, repita todas as expressões e foque na sua entonação, que faz grande diferença na comunicação da mensagem de concordar ou discordar com ideias. 



Atividade 5


  • Professor, dando continuidade a ideia desenvolvida na atividade anterior, em que se tratou das diferentes formas (umas mais formais e educadas e outras nem tanto) de concordar e discordar, projete os dois diálogos abaixo e peça para que os alunos observem a diferença entre eles:


‘Computers will soon make teachers redundant.’
‘I’m afraid I can’t agree with you. No computer can give the same kind of help and support as a teacher.’
‘Computers will soon make teachers redundant.’
‘Rubbish. No computer can give the same kind of help and support as a teacher.’
Peça para que dois alunos comentem sobre os dois diálogos, enfatizando a sua diferença.
Os alunos deverão reconhecer que o primeiro é formal e respeitoso (‘I’m afraid I can’t agree with you), enquanto o segundo é mais informal e insultante (rubbish). No entanto, é preciso que os alunos saibam que:
a. ‘rubbish’ pode ser aceito como uma forma de descordar em uma conversa entre amigos ou entre pessoas que se conhecem muito bem; 
b. não basta apenas escolher as palavras: o efeito daquilo que se diz depende, também, do tom de voz e da postura corporal, tal como as expressões faciais; 
c. as pessoas costumam argumentar sobre suas escolhas, dando uma explicação para a ideia que aceitaram ou refutaram. 


Fonte adaptada: http://www.macmillandictionary.com/external/pdf/expressing-yourself-agree.pdf?version=2014-08-21-1126 (acesso em 24.08.2014)





Atividade 6


Distribua para cada aluno, uma cópia da atividade em que os alunos deverão marcar as alternativas com as expressões que indicam maior ou menor formalidade ao concordar ou discordar de uma ideia.

Organize a turma em duplas e disponibilize um tempo de, aproximadamente, 15 minutos para a realização da atividade.

Circule pela sala, solucionando possíveis dúvidas. Para a correção, cada dupla se responsabilizará por uma resposta, justificando-a. 


1. Which of these ways of agreeing is least appropriate here?
The traffic in town’s worse than ever today.
a You’re telling me. It took me ages to get home from work.
b You can say that again. It took me ages to get home from work.
c I agree entirely. It took me ages to get home from work.
d It certainly is. It took me ages to get home from work.
2. Which of these responses expresses tentative agreement?
I think it’d be better to postpone the meeting till next week.
a Exactly. Too many people are away this week.
b I’m inclined to agree. Too many people are away this week.
c I couldn’t agree more. Too many people are away this week.
d It would. Too many people are away this week.
3. Which of these responses express reluctant agreement? (There is more than one correct answer.)
It’s getting late. I think we’d better go home, without calling round to see your parents.
a I suppose so. Let’s just phone them instead, shall we?
b You’re right. Let’s just phone them instead, shall we?
c I know. Let’s just phone them instead, shall we?
d I guess so. Let’s just phone them instead, shall we?
4. Which of these responses express partial agreement? (There is more than one correct answer.)
Listening to English is really impossible.
a Absolutely, but speaking it’s even worse!
b I agree up to a point, but it gets easier with practice.
c I wouldn’t go as far as to say that. It’s difficult, but it’s really just a matter of getting used to it.
d That’s right – so many of the words are unclear.
5. Which of these responses gives an impression of politeness?
The 1960s were the best decade for music.
a Rubbish! Have you listened to any music since then?
b I’m sorry, but have you listened to any music since then?
c How can you say that? Have you listened to any music since then?
d Are you kidding? Have you listened to any music since then?
6. Which of these responses expresses disagreement most strongly?
What use is history? Do you remember our history lessons at school? Most of what they taught us was completely useless, wasn’t it?
a I don’t know. I don’t think it’s fair to say that, actually.
b I take your point, but that was probably because of the way it was taught.
c You’ve got a point there, but the problem was that the teachers didn’t really show how it was relevant to us.
d That’s true, but I think it’s taught a bit differently nowadays.
7. Which of these responses is the most polite?
I think we all agree that the writing was the hardest part of the test.
a Speak for yourself.
b Excuse me, but I’m not sure whether everyone thought so.
c We all agree? You must be joking!
d Nonsense! The listening was far worse.
1 c (This is too formal for the situation.)
2 b
3 a and d
4 b and c
5 b (But note that the effect of ‘I’m sorry’ depends on tone of voice and facial expression; it could sound quite threatening.)
6 a (Sometimes ‘I don’t know’ actually means ‘I disagree’!)
7 b
8 c


Fonte: http://www.macmillandictionary.com/external/pdf/expressing-yourself-agree.pdf?version=2014-08-21-1126 (acesso em 24.08.2014)



Atividade 7 

 Meeting - Agreeing and disagreeing quiz


Distribua uma cópia da atividade a seguir para cada aluno, que deverá realizá-la individualmente. A atividade consiste em completar as frases sublinhando a melhor palavra dentre as opções dadas. Em seguida, solicite que os próprios alunos façam a correção, observando as dúvidas quanto à alternativa correta, assim como a pronúncia das palavras. Circule pela sala, tirando as dúvidas de vocabulário. As repostas estão disponibilizadas logo após a atividade.  


Complete the following sentences by underlining the correct word from the options given. 

During the meeting, the managers asked everyone present to give them [ agreement / feedback / information ] on the presentation that they’d just seen.  Some people said that

they strongly [ disagreed / unhappy / prohibit ] with the new direction that the media company was taking.  They said that they would be much [ comfortable / happier / prefer ] if

there were more opportunity to discuss the plans before any final decision was reached.  In his role as[fireman / editor / director ], Tim Peacock said that he would look into the

possibility of holding workshops to allow more time for discussion between staff.



"During the meeting, the managers asked everyone present to give them feedback on the presentation that they’d just seen.  Some people said that they strongly disagreed with the new direction that the media company was taking.  They said that they would be much happier if there were more opportunity to discuss the plans before any final decision was reached.  In his role as director, Tim Peacock said that he would look into the possibility of holding workshops to allow more time for discussion between staff."



Atividade 8


Projete as seguintes frases e peça para que os alunos, utilizando-se das expressões introduzidas na aula, pratiquem as diferentes formas de concordar ou discordar. Os alunos poderão, ainda, criar suas próprias frases e sugerir que os colegas concordem ou discordem das ideias levantadas. Observe o uso das diferentes e variadas expressões introduzidas nas atividades anteriores. Observe, ainda, se justificam suas respostas. 



Statements to practise agreeing and disagreeing:
1. People spend far too much time shopping – shops should be closed in the evenings and at weekends.
2. English is a very polite language.
3. All motor vehicles should be excluded from city centres – this would result in a vast improvement in people’s quality of life.
4. Literature is without doubt a higher form of art than cinema.
5. It’s absolutely scandalous that people like film stars and rock musicians earn such high salaries.
6. In the future, everybody will speak English, and all other languages will eventually die out.
7. A miner and a doctor should earn the same salary.
8. The mobile phone is one of the best inventions ever.
9. Everybody should have the freedom to work flexitime – to start and finish work when it suits them.
10. All medical treatment should be free.
11. Music is more important than economics.
12. When a text is translated, something is always lost.
13. Dolphins are more intelligent than human beings.
14. If I had the opportunity to make one journey to the past, I’d go back to the period when dinosaurs roamed the earth.
15. I think it’s important to support small shops, instead of doing your shopping in supermarkets and big stores.
16. There must be life on other planets.


Fonte adaptada: http://www.macmillandictionary.com/external/pdf/expressing-yourself-agree.pdf?version=2014-08-21-1126 (acesso em 24.08.2014)

Recursos Complementares
  • Professor, o envolvimento e a participação dos alunos durante todas as atividades propostas na aula deverão ser avaliadas. Para uma avaliação formal, os alunos deverão trazer ideias para o grupo que deverá concordar ou discordar. Observe o uso das variadas expressões introduzidas na aula. Cada aluno deverá propor uma ideia, a qual deverá ser aceita ou refutada pelos colegas e, em seguida, deverá também refutar ou aceitar a ideia levantada pelo colega. 
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