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Means of transportation



Autor e Coautor(es)
imagem do usuário

UBERLANDIA - MG Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Eliana Dias e Lazuíta Goretti de Oliveira

Estrutura Curricular
Modalidade / Nível de Ensino Componente Curricular Tema
Ensino Médio Língua Estrangeira Competência pluricultural: língua como meio de acesso às manifestações culturais
Ensino Fundamental Final Língua Estrangeira Textos orais com marcas entonacionais e pronúncia
Ensino Médio Língua Estrangeira Compreensão leitora
Ensino Médio Língua Estrangeira Produção oral
Ensino Médio Língua Estrangeira Produção escrita
Ensino Fundamental Final Língua Estrangeira Grau de formalidade na escrita e na fala
Ensino Médio Língua Estrangeira Compreensão oral
Ensino Fundamental Final Língua Estrangeira Organização textual
Ensino Fundamental Final Língua Estrangeira Aspectos morfológicos, sintáticos e fonológicos
Dados da Aula
O que o aluno poderá aprender com esta aula
  • ampliar o vocabulário relacionado a transportes;
  • usar verbos e expressões relacionados a meio de transportes
Duração das atividades
2 módulos de 50 minutos cada
Conhecimentos prévios trabalhados pelo professor com o aluno
  • Não há necessidade de conhecimento prévio, por se tratar de conteúdo de nível básico
Estratégias e recursos da aula
  • recursos multimídia;
  • imagens veiculadas na internet;
  • discussões orais;
  • vídeo;
  • atividades xerocopiadas;
  • atividades online; 
  • atividades de compreensão auditiva;
  • atividades de compreensão escrita







Imagem fonte: https://www.google.com.br/search?hl=pt-PT&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1024&bih=643&q=transportation&oq=TRANSPORTATION&gs_l=img.1.0.0j0i24l9.1226.4306.0.5994.16.9.0.


free-stock-photography-sign-transportation-cargo-image18117617%3B1300%3B879 (acesso em 30.08.2014)




Atividade 1


Proponha aos alunos a discussão das seguintes questões, que servirão como introdução para a temática da aula. Atente-se para o vocabulário que aparecerá durante a discussão e, se for o caso, escreva-o no quadro. Oportunize a participação de todos os alunos na discussão. Se o grupo de alunos for grande, distribua de duas a três perguntas para cada dupla ou trio de alunos. 


Conversation Questions


  • What forms of transportation do you use?
  • Which transportation do you prefer – air, sea or road?
  • Which form of transportation do you think is the safest? (train, bus, car, plane, bicycle, motorbike, boat, foot)
  • What do you think of the transportation in other countries?
  • Are you happy with the public transport system in your country?
  • What type of transport do you think we will see in the future?
  • What’s your favourite method of transportation?
  • What do you think is the most dangerous form of transportation? Why?
  • Do you often use public transportation?
  • At what age can a person obtain a driver’s license in your country?
  • Do you drive a car often?
  • What is your favourite kind of car? Why?
  • What do you think about electric cars? Do you think all cars will be electric in the future?
  • Can you ride a motorcycle?
  • Do you think a motorcycle rider should be required to wear a helmet?
  • Do you like riding a bicycle?
  • Have you ever missed your last train or bus home?
  • What do you usually do to keep yourself entertained when riding a train or bus?
  • Do you sometimes take a taxi (cab)?
  • Do you like traveling by aeroplane?
  • Would you like to go on a cruise? Why or why not?
  • Is there any environmentally-friendly transportation in your area?

Fonte adaptada: http://www.englishwithjo.com/english-conversation-transportation/ (acesso em 30.08.2014)


Atividade 2


Reproduza o vídeo disponível em: http://www.engvid.com/transportation-vocabulary-phrasal-verbs/ (acesso em 31.08.2014) e peça para que os alunos tomem nota das palavras ou expressões que aparecem no vídeo e que se relaciona à temática da aula. O vídeo deverá ser reproduzido mais de uma vez, dependendo do entendimento dos alunos. Pause a cada momento que observar a dificuldade dos alunos em não entender o seu conteúdo. 



Imagem do vídeo


Atividade 3


Projete o seguinte texto, com informações sobre verbos e expressões utilizados com transporte. Peça para que os alunos criem as suas próprias frases com os verbos e expressões apresentados no texto. Entregue uma cópia do texto para cada aluno, para que esse material componha o seu arquivo pessoal e para futuras consultas. 


Verbs and Transport

  • catch a bus/train – “I am going to catch a bus to work today”
  • drive a car – “I am going to drive my car to the service station”
  • ride a bike/motorbike – “I am going to ride my bike to the shops”
  • get a plane/taxi – “I am going to get a plane to London”


Phrasal Verbs


  • To get on a bus/bicycle/motorbike/train – “Are you going to get on this bus or the next one?”
  • To get off a bus/bicycle/motorbike/train – “We will be getting off the train at the next stop”
  • To wait for the bus/train/taxi – “I have been waiting for the bus for 40 minutes, I hope it comes soon!”
  • To get in the car/taxi – “Watch you don’t bump your head as you get in the taxi”
  • To get out of the car/taxi – “You will need to get out of the car, there are too many people in it”

Useful means of transport expressions


traveling by ...
rail bus / coach air sea
catch / get on
get off
passenger train
depart / leave
engine driver
corridor / aisle
bus terminal
catch / get on / board
get off
departure gate
coach / bus
depart / leave
driver's seat
bus driver
get on / board
get off / disembark
departure gate
passenger jet / airplane
take off
quay / dock


Fontes adaptadas: http://www.englishwithjo.com/english-conversation-transportation/ e http://www.myenglishpages.com/site_php_files/vocabulary-lesson-means-of-travel.php#.VAPKLsVdUeh (acessos em 31.08.2014)




Atividade 4


Disponibilize o áudio Transport,  do sítio: http://www.englishwithjo.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Transport.mp3 (acesso em 31.08.2014), cujo conteúdo se refere a 6 pessoas opinando sobre os meios de transporte de sua cidade. Antes de ouvir, leia com os alunos as seguintes questões, que deverão ser respondidas durante a escuta do áudio. 


a)  Does Ruth have a good transportation in her village? Does she see any problem because of it? Why (not)?

b) Where does Akane live? Does it have a good transportation system? What does she mention about Toronto?

c) According to Jeyong, does Korea have a good transportation? Why (not)? Does he mention any problem concerning to the traffic in his city? If so, what is it?

d) Where does Naomi live? DSoes it have a good transportation? Why (not)? How does she travel?

e) Doea Ruth, from Ireland, live in the capital of her country? Accfording to her, what are the problems with the buses that run into Dublin? 

f) According to  Todd,  what is the best thing about the transportation system in San Francisco? What are the means of transportation mentioned by him? 


Reproduza o áudio mais de uma vez, possibilitando o entendimento do seu conteúdo.  


Atividade 5


Projete o audioscript do áudio anterior, e peça para que os alunos acompanhem e confiram as respostas das perguntas da atividade anterior. Leia os depoimentos de cada personagem mais de uma vez, oportunizando a participação de todos os alunos. 

Cada aluno deverá se responsabilizar pela leitura da resposta das perguntas anteriores. Peça para que escrevam as respostas no quadro, facilitando a visualização e a correção pelos próprios alunos.





Ruth, England

Good transportation? Not really because I'm from a small village but then if you actually go into the town itself, then things aren't too bad. There's quite a good bus system and you can get there easily on the train. We don't have a tram or anything like that but we don't need one. It's not very big anyways so we have enough transportation for all of our needs.


Akane, Canada

Does your hometown have a good transportation? Well, my hometown is Toronto and I would say that it does have a good transportation system. The highway system is quite extensive and there are buses and subway systems and long distance trains throughout. It may not be as convenient as some other countries like England or Japan, but I do think Toronto has the best transportation system in Canada.


Jeyong, South Korea

I'm from Seoul, Korea and "Yes" we have a good transportation because we have a lot of buses and we have a very convenient subway which almost goes around places around Seoul area, and outside of Seoul, so basically you can reach any place by riding the subway, and buses, even though there's a big traffic, still I think it's very comfortable.


Naomi, Australia

There's actually not very good transportation in my hometown because it's quite rural. You definitely need your own car to get around. I have a car in my hometown to get me around because actually it's on top of a mountain so there's no trains and there's only an occasional bus which is very expensive to use.


Ruth, Ireland

The transport in my hometown isn't too bad. I live quite near to the capital so there is a train that runs in and out from there. There are buses as well that run into Dublin city but sometimes they can be late or delayed.


Todd, United States

Yeah, San Francisco has a pretty good transportation system. The best thing about it, it's really cheap. You can go anywhere in the city for 1 dollar because once you buy a ticket for one dollar you get three transfers, so you can transfer from a bus to another bus, or a bus to the subway, so it's really efficient. Also we have the cable cars and there's pretty cool.



Fonte: http://www.englishwithjo.com/english-conversation-transportation/ (acesso em 31.08.2014)


Atividade 6


Distribua uma cópia das atividades seguintes (6 e 7) para cada aluno, que deverão realizá-la trabalhando em duplas ou trio. Disponibilize um tempo de, aproximadamente, 15 minutos para a realização das atividades. Todos os alunos deverão participar da correção. 
A) Complete the definitions with the verbs in the box. 


check in

come back

get in

get on

put (someone) up

see (someone) off

take off

touch down

stop off

set off

1.- When you return from a journey, you __________
2.- When planes leave the ground, they ___________
3.- When planes land, they ___________
4.- These days, you can often __________ online before a flight.
5.- When you enter a bus, train or plane, you ___________.
6.- When your friends say good bye to you at the airport, they __________ you __________.
7.- When planes, trains or buses arrive at their destination, they _____________.
8.- When you give someone a place to stay, you __________ them ________.
9.- When you start a journey, you _________.
10.- When you visit somewhere before continuing to another place, you _________.
B) Complete these sentences with the verbs in the box.


stop off


come back

get off

get on

put (someone) up


set off

turn back

put on

come across

take off

1.- The bus was full so we couldn’t __________.
2.- We are _________ about eight o’clock so we’ll be there by twelve.
3.- We _________ in Burgos on the way back to Santander.
4.- __________ at the stop after the town hall.
5.- The plane is due to _________ at six o’clock.
6.- The road was blocked so they were forced to __________.
7.- The hotels were full so my friends ________ me ______.
8.- We __________ a lovely Little restaurant in the village.
9.- You’d better ________ your coat _______, it’s cold outside.
10.- We decided to ________ to Scotland for another Holiday.
Atividade 7
Directions: Match the modes of transportation in the box with their definitions.












fire truck



1) also called an “18-wheeler” or “Tractor-trailer”. This is used to carry large amounts of cargo
2) this is powered by the legs and is able to maintain balance due to centrifugal force
3) this is used by firemen to travel to places where fires need to be extinguished
4) this is used to travel on water by sailing
5) this is used to travel through the air by flying
6) this travels on rails and often has many compartments; it can be used to carry people or goods
7) this is used to carry sick people to the hospital in cases of emergency
8) this is a type of car in which a driver drives you somewhere for a charge
9) this is a common form of transportation seen on the road; it has four tires and carries 2-8 people
10) this is larger than a car but smaller than a truck and can carry more people than a car
11) this is about the same size as a truck but carries people instead of goods; it stops at regularly at predetermined destinations
Atividade 8
Para casa, os alunos deverão ler o texto a seguir e fazer as atividades que se seguem. Na aula seguinte, a correção das atividades deverá introduzir a aula, como forma de retomar o assunto estudado. Oportunize a participação de todos os alunos durante a correção, favorecendo a criação de um ambiente colaborativo e interativo.  
New York City Cab Driver
A. Reading
Marty drives a cab in New York City. He works six days a week from 5:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. He doesn’t always get to eat when he’s hungry or go to the restroom when he needs to go.
Driving a cab is difficult. Traffic in the city is often slow and there are many accidents and construction sites drivers have to go around. Driving a cab is also dangerous. When it rains or snows the roads are slippery. Sometimes criminals steal the cab driver’s money. Most of Marty’s passengers are nice. They tip him twenty percent of the cab fare. Marty likes his job, but lately he’s been feeling tired from working twelve hour shifts. Many of his passengers are tourists, and they like to talk a lot. Unfortunately, Marty is seldom in the mood to talk anymore. It’s hard to be friendly every day.
B. True or False
1. ________ Marty is a bus driver in New York City.
2. ________ The traffic in New York City is often slow.
3. ________ Rain and snow make driving a cab safe and easy.
4. ________ Most passengers tip Marty twelve percent of the cab fare.
5. ________ In the picture, Marty is wearing a cap.
C. Yes or No – What about you?
1. ________ There are many cabs in my city.
2. ________ I live in New York City.
3. ________ I have visited New York City.
4. ________ I am friendly and I like to talk a lot.
5. ________ I seldom ride in a cab.
Fonte:  http://www.elcivics.com/lifeskills/taxi-driver.pdf (acesso em 31.08.2014)
Recursos Complementares
  • Professor, todas as atividades da aula deverão ser avaliadas pelo professor, que deverá ficar atento a motivação e participação dos alunos durante a aula.
  • Para uma avaliação formal, os alunos deverão criar diálogos, cujo tema esteja relacionado a meio de transportes. O diálogo deverá ser apresentado ao grupo e uma cópia escrita deverá ser entregue ao professor para que ele possa emitir um feedback
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