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Environmental issues and problems



Autor e Coautor(es)
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UBERLANDIA - MG Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Eliana Dias e Lazuíta Goretti de Oliveira

Estrutura Curricular
Modalidade / Nível de Ensino Componente Curricular Tema
Ensino Fundamental Final Língua Estrangeira Textos orais com marcas entonacionais e pronúncia
Ensino Médio Língua Estrangeira Produção oral
Ensino Médio Língua Estrangeira Competência pluricultural: língua como meio de acesso às manifestações culturais
Ensino Médio Língua Estrangeira Compreensão leitora
Ensino Fundamental Final Língua Estrangeira Grau de formalidade na escrita e na fala
Ensino Médio Língua Estrangeira Produção escrita
Ensino Médio Língua Estrangeira Compreensão oral
Ensino Médio Língua Estrangeira Competência comunicativa: componentes linguísticos, sociolinguísticos e pragmáticos
Ensino Fundamental Final Língua Estrangeira Aspectos morfológicos, sintáticos e fonológicos
Ensino Fundamental Final Língua Estrangeira Organização textual
Dados da Aula
O que o aluno poderá aprender com esta aula

expressar preocupações e insatisfações quanto aos problemas relacionados ao meio ambiente;

propor mudanças e planejar ações para a melhoria dos problemas relacionados ao meio ambiente;

vocabulário relacionado ao tema da aula: problemas e tópicos relacionados ao meio ambiente, desastres naturais e animais em extinção

Duração das atividades
2 módulos de 50 minutos
Conhecimentos prévios trabalhados pelo professor com o aluno

não há necessidade de conhecimentos prévios, por se tratar de conteúdo de nível básico

Estratégias e recursos da aula
  • recursos multimídia;
  • atividades de compreensão escrita;
  • imagens veiculadas na internet; 
  • atividades de compreensão auditiva;
  • atividades realizadas individualmente e em pares;
  • atividades xerocopiadas;
  • jogos;
  • discussões em grupos



                         Environmental issues and problems




Atividade 1


Distribua aos alunos uma cópia do seguinte texto e peça para que realizem a leitura silenciosamente. Aconselhe-os a não se preocuparem com as palavras desconhecidas, atentando-se, nesse primeiro momento, apenas para o entendimento da ideia geral do texto. Quando notar que os alunos terminaram a leitura, faça as seguintes perguntas de compreensão do texto, as quais deverão ser respondidas por todos os alunos. Disponibilize um tempo de, aproximadamente, 10 minutos, dependendo do grau de proficiência da sua turma. Disponibilize mais tempo, caso observe essa necessidade.

Para a correção, cada aluno ficará responsável pela leitura de uma resposta, contribuindo para a criação de um ambiente interativo e participativo entre os alunos. Antes da correção, peça para que os alunos leiam o texto em voz alta, corrigindo problemas com pronúncia das palavras.

Quanto ao vocabulário, após a correção das perguntas, os alunos deverão elaborar uma lista com as palavras desconhecidas e consultar um dicionário online ou impresso. Socialize a lista entre os alunos. 


a) What is the text about?

b) Create a title for the text.

c) What have scientists reported about the blue whales?

d) When did whaling become illegal?

e) How long has it taken for the blue whale to recover?

f) Who is Dr Cole Monnahan?

f) What did he warn?  


This is a good-news story about sea life. Scientists have reported that the numbers of blue whales in the eastern Pacific Ocean are the highest they have been in over a century. Researchers at the University of Washington report that there are now over 2,200 blue whales between Mexico and Alaska. Hunters killed nearly all the blue whales in that area and were close to extinction. Whaling became illegal in 1971 and the numbers of the world's largest mammal started increasing. It has taken over 40 years for the blue whale to recover. Lead researcher Dr Cole Monnahan was very happy at this positive news. He said: "For us, this is a great conservation success story."

Dr Monnahan said the number of 2,200 blue whales in the area might not rise any further. He said: "Before this study, some people thought that number should be going up, but if there were about 2,200 whales to begin with, then that is what the environment can support." Monnahan warned that the creature still needs to be protected, saying: "California blue whales are recovering because we took actions to stop catches and start monitoring. If we hadn't, the population might have been pushed to near extinction." He added that: "The recovery of California blue whales from whaling demonstrates the ability of blue whale populations to rebuild under careful management and conservation measures."

Fonte adaptada: http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com/1409/140910-blue-whale.html (acesso em 19.09.2014)


Atividade 2


Distribua uma cópia da seguinte lista que contém o vocabulário referente ao meio ambiente. Peça para que os alunos realizem a leitura em voz alta e tire as dúvidas quanto ao vocabulário e pronúncia, se necessário. Essa lista de vocabulário servirá de subsídio para a atividade a ser desenvolvida logo a seguir. Você pode incrementar a atividade mostrando figuras (projetadas ou impressas) que representam o vocabulário apresentado, dispensando, assim, uma possível tradução de termo a termo. O  site Google Images contém uma série de imagens que poderão ajudar nessa atividade. 




A list of vocabulary items related to the environment:

Important environment issues, natural environmental disasters and other environment vocabulary.

acid rain

rain which contains large amounts of harmful chemicals as a result of burning substances such as coal and oil.


able to decay naturally and harmlessly.

Biodegradable packaging helps to limit the amount of harmful chemicals released into the atmosphere.


the number and variety of PLANT and animal species that exist in a particular environmental area or in the world generally, or the problem of preserving and protecting this.

a new National Biological SURVEY to protect species habitat and biodiversity.

carbon monoxide

the poisonous gas formed by the burning of carbon, especially in the form of car fuel.

carbon dioxide

the gas formed when carbon is burned, or when people or animals breathe out.


the general weather conditions usually found in a particular place.

The Mediterranean climate is good for growing citrus fruits and grapes.

climate change

there has been a growing concern about climate change.


the cutting down of trees in a large area; the destruction of forests by people.

DEFORESTATION is destroying large areas of tropical rain forest.


the process by which land changes into desert.

disposable products

describes an item that is intended to be thrown away after use.

disposable nappies


a long period when there is little or no rain.

This year (a) severe drought has ruined the crops.


a sudden violent movement of the Earth's surface, sometimes causing great damage.

endangered species

endangered birds/PLANTS/species animals or PLANTS which may soon not exist because there are very few now alive.


the power from something such as ELECTRICITY or oil, which can do work, such as providing light and heat. There are different types of energy: solar, nuclear, hydroelectric...

The energy generated by the windmill drives all the drainage pumps.

energy conservation

the process of conserving energy


the air, water and land in or on which people, animals and PLANTS live.

Certain chemicals have been banned because of their damaging effect on the environment.


Many species of plants and animals are in danger of/threatened with extinction (= being destroyed so that they no longer exist)


a large amount of water covering an area that is usually dry.


strong, unpleasant and sometimes dangerous gas or smoke.

Petrol fumes always make me feel ill.

natural resources

things such as minerals, forests, coal, etc. which exist in a place and can be used by people.

Some natural resources, such as natural gas and fossil fuel, cannot be replaced.

global warming

a gradual increase in world temperatures caused by polluting gases such as carbon dioxide which are collecting in the air around the Earth and preventing heat escaping into space.

greenhouse effect

an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere which is believed to be the cause of a gradual warming of the surface of the Earth.

green peace

an organization that fights for the protection of the ENVIRONMENT.


describes a form of energy that can be produced as quickly as it is used.

Renewable energy sources such as wind and wave power

oil slick

a layer of oil that is floating over a large area of the surface of the sea, usually because an accident has caused it to escape from a ship or container.

ozone layer

a layer of air high above the Earth, which contains a lot of ozone, and which prevents harmful ultraviolet light from the sun from reaching the Earth.

Scientists believe that there is a hole in the ozone layer.


damage caused to water, air.... by harmful substances or waste.

recycle waste

to collect and treat rubbish to produce useful materials which can be used again.

sustainable development

a development that is causing little or no damage to the environment and therefore able to continue for a long time.

A large international meeting was held with the aim of promoting sustainable development in all countries.


an extremely large wave caused by movement of the earth under the sea, often caused by an earthquake (= when the Earth shakes)

unleaded petrol

describes a type of petrol or other substance that does not contain lead.

use up natural resources

The degradation of natural resources because of human pressure


a mountain with a large circular hole at the top through which lava (= hot liquid rock), gases, steam and dust are or have been forced out.

Erupting volcanoes discharge massive quantities of dust into the stratosphere.


unwanted matter or material of any type, often that which is left after useful substances or parts have been removed.

Other related vocabulary: rubbishgarbagetrash.


Fonte: http://www.myenglishpages.com/site_php_files/vocabulary-lesson-environment.php#.VB1_cJRdUeh (acesso em 20.09.2014)


Atividade 3


Utilizando-se do vocabulário introduzido na atividade anterior, os alunos deverão expressar preocupações, insatisfações e falar de suas intenções de mudanças ou de soluções para os problemas apontados, a partir das seguintes expressões: 


                                                   Expressing Concern / Dissatisfaction and Stating Plans / Intentions

The chart below contains expressions that are used to express concern or to express dissatisfaction –for example, about environmental problems. There are also expressions that can 
be used to discuss your plans for solving these problems. 
Expressing Concern Examples
What worries me is that…
What worries me is that the weather has become so extreme.
What concerns me is…
What concerns me is the deforestation.
Something that concerns/worries me is…
Something that worries me is how much paper we waste.
(This expression is followed by a noun, noun phrase, or noun clause.)
Expressing Dissatisfaction
What I really can’t stand is when…
What I really can’t stand is when people kill more animals to earn more money.
What I really hate is when…
What I really hate is when the nature is merely seen as the cause of extinction.
What really bothers me is when…
What really bothers me is when my dictionary doesn’t include a word I need.
Stating Plans/Intentions
What I’d like to do is…
What I’d like to do is buy a better English dictionary.
What I plan is to…
What I plan is to form a committee on campus to inform people.
What I intend to do is…
What I intend to do is volunteer for the project to raise public awareness on extinction.
Organize os alunos em duplas, de modo que possam fazer uso das expressões e compartilhem-nas. Disponibilize, aproximadamente, de 15 a 20 minutos para a realização da atividade. 
Ao final, todos os alunos deverão apresentar suas preocupações, insatisfações e suas propostas de solução ou mudanças para os problemas elencados. 
Observe o envolvimento e a participação de todos os alunos nas atividades propostas na aula. Isso deverá servir de avaliação. 
Atividade 4
No laboratório de informática, os alunos deverão acessar http://www.onestopenglish.com/clil/secondary/english-across-the-curriculum/topic-based-listening-lessons/pdf-and-mp3-content/environment-natural-disasters-listening-exercise-hurricanes/500944.article e http://www.onestopenglish.com/clil/secondary/english-across-the-curriculum/topic-based-listening-lessons/pdf-and-mp3-content/environment-natural-disasters-listening-exercise-floods/500945.article(acessos em 20.09.2014), que se referem a duas atividades de compreensão auditiva sobre terremoto e enchente. Conduza a atividade de modo que todos os passos abaixo especificados sejam seguidos: before listening; while listening and follow up.
Repita as atividades quantas vezes forem necessárias, a fim de que os alunos consigam realizar todas as atividades abaixo propostas. 
Verifique a condição dos equipamentos de multimídia, para que não comprometa a qualidade da produção de seus alunos.  

A) Before listening


Reorder the letters to find these natural disasters.

1 dolof   …………………….                     2 chirunare …………………………….

3 grouthd    ……………….                    4 quatehaker …………………………


What do you know about each one?


B) While listening



Imagem fonte: https://www.google.com.br/search?q=hurricanes&biw=1024&bih=643&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=BIsdVILMLNO5ggSW14DoAw&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=UQHolEB77KUU

SM%253A%3BDW-1AS2R9zljxM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.dodlive.mil%252Ffiles%252F2012%252F10%252F1-a-hurricanes-storm-300x222.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.dodlive.mil%252Findex.php%252F2012%252F10%252Fbracing-for-the-worst-three-steps-to-hurricane-preparedness-2%252F%3B300%3B222 (acesso em 20.09.2014)


Listen to track 1. You will hear about hurricanes. Write down 4 words you think you will hear.


a)    ……………………………………………

b)    …………………………………………..

c)    …………………………………………..

d)    …………………………………………..




Listen to track 2. You will hear about floods. Write down 4 words you think you will hear.




Imagem fonte: https://www.google.com.br/search?q=floods&biw=1024&bih=643&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=p4wdVIi0KcKQNpalgPAG&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAg#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=ZM3WVjKlwahAlM%253A%3BO


%252F%252Fcontent.time.com%252Ftime%252Fphotogallery%252F0%252C29307%252C1925475%252C00.html%3B611%3B404 (acesso em 20.09.2014)


a)    ……………………………………………

b)    …………………………………………..

c)    …………………………………………..

d)    …………………………………………..


C) While listening


Listen again and answer the questions.






What are they?




Why do they happen?




Where do they happen?




How do they affect people?




What can people do?






D) Follow-up


Match the words to the correct definition.


a Blow down (v)               b Condense (v)

c Dam (n)                         d Disaster (n)

e Disrupt (v)                     f Drown (v)

g Evaporate (v)               h Reduce (v)

i Shock (n)                       j Warning (n)


A statement telling people of a possible problem or danger

A very bad event that causes lots of damage or kills a lot of people

A wall built across a river to stop the water

Something bad that happens unexpectedly and surprises you

The process when a gas changes into a liquid

The process when a liquid (e.g. water) changes into a gas

To go under water and die

To interrupt or prevent something from continuing

To make something smaller or less in size

When a strong wind makes something fall over




Atividade 5


Disaster dictation


Distribua uma folha de papel em branco e um lápis para cada aluno. Explique que você irá descrever uma cena e que eles terão que desenhá-la. Leia o seguinte texto (adapte o vocabulário de modo que seja adequado à proficiência linguística de seus alunos: nível avançado, intermediário ou básico). 


Draw three houses on the right in the middle. Each house has four windows and a door. On the roof of one of the houses there are two people and a dog. Draw two trees on the left in the middle. At the top of the picture draw some clouds. The clouds look grey and it’s raining a lot. In the sky there is a helicopter. Around the houses there is water. The water touches the top windows of the house….”


Peça para que os alunos pensem sobre o que aconteceu na cena descrita: um furacão, uma enchente ou uma tsunami. As repostas poderão variar e incentive outro vocabulário que se refere ao tema de Natural disasters. 


Em seguida, os próprios alunos deverão descrever seus desenhos uns aos outros. 


Sugestão de variação da atividade: Você poderá criar outros textos especificando outros desastres naturais, a fim de que os alunos desenhem a descrição relatada. Os próprios alunos poderão elaborar um texto e ler para os demais, os quais deverão desenhar a cena descrita. 


Fonte adaptada: http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/language-assistant/essential-uk/natural-disasters (acesso em 20.09.2014)


Atividade 6


Natural disasters message board


Projete as seguintes mensagens que se referem a opinião de 4 pessoas sobre as seguintes perguntas:


Do you think there are more natural disasters than in the past?

Do you think we are prepared to deal with the disasters?


Sarah - “I think it’s really scary that there are so many natural disasters these days. There are far more than in the past. Every time you switch on the news you see places that are flooded or countries in drought. I’m sure it’s all connected to climate change and global warming.”
James - “ We so many natural disasters on the news these days that you become immune to them. I don’t mean that in a horrible way, but it always seems so far away and there’s absolutely nothing you can do to help the poor people who are there. ”
Cindy - “The hurricanes and earthquakes that have happened in the past month just prove how unprepared we are for natural disasters. It’s crazy that with all the technology and information available to us nowadays natural disasters still kill so many people. They should spend more money on research to develop warning systems for hurricanes, floods, earthquakes and tsunamis.”
Roger – “You can’t prepare for natural disasters as nobody knows when or where they are going to happen. It’s nature’s way of reminding us that she is in charge and we should respect her a lot more than we do.“


Após a leitura das opiniões das 4 pessoas, os alunos deverão responder às seguintes perguntas:

Who do you agree with?

Who do you disagree with?

How would you answer the two questions? Write your own message.  


Em seguida, cada aluno deverá socializar suas respostas e um ambiente de discussão deverá ser criado, onde os alunos serão incentivados a opinar sobre os problemas relacionados ao tema da aula. 


Fonte adaptada: http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/language-assistant/essential-uk/natural-disasters (acesso em 20.09.2014)


Atividade 7


Para esta atividade, os alunos deverão ser separados em grupos pequenos. Distribua as cartas que contém o vocabulário abaixo para cada grupo. As cartas deverão ficar viradas para baixo. Um aluno pega uma das cartas e deverá definir oralmente, na língua inglesa. Não são permitidos gestos, mímicas ou soletrar as palavras. Se o aluno não souber definir a palavra, a carta deverá voltar para o monte e esse aluno ficará uma rodada sem jogar. Caso consiga fazer a definição, ele deverá guardar a carta. O jogo continua até que todas as cartas sejam definidas. O vencedor é aquele que tiver o maior número de cartas.  Recompense o vencedor, com bombons, balas ou outra tipo de prenda.  


Sugestão de vocabulário (outras palavras poderão ser acrescentadas ou substituídas)


avalanche lightning
mudslide fog
natural disaster temperature
famine tsunami
drought storm
earthquake hurricane
aftershock tornado
blizzard flood
thunder heat wave


avalanche lightning
mudslide fog
natural disaster temperature
famine tsunami
drought storm
earthquake hurricane
aftershock tornado
blizzard flood
thunder heat wave


Fonte adaptada: http://www.eslpartyland.com/teachers/skills/vocabdisasters.htm (acesso em 20.09.2014)

Recursos Complementares

Para outros textos sobre o tema da aula, acesse:

http://www.myenglishpages.com/site_php_files/reading-climate-change.php#.VB2DRZRdUeg (acesso em 20.09.2014)

http://www.myenglishpages.com/site_php_files/reading-7-ways-to-protect-the-environment.php#.VB2EVpRdUeh (acesso em 20.09.2014)

http://www.eslflow.com/environmentlessonplans.html (acesso em 20.09.2014)

  • Todas as atividades deverão ser avaliadas.

Para uma avaliação formal, os alunos deverão criar posteres, cartazes com imagens ou figuras relacionadas aos problemas do meio ambiente, como os desastres naturais ou a extinção de animais. Uma plataforma virtual poderá ser criada, ajudando na socialização dos trabalhos. Observe a criatividade dos alunos e o capricho na confecção das produções. 

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