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At the airport: some common words and expressions



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UBERLANDIA - MG Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Eliana Dias, Lazuíta Goretti de Oliveira

Estructura Curricular
Modalidad / Nivel de Enseñanza Disciplina Tema
Ensino Médio Língua Estrangeira Produção oral
Ensino Fundamental Final Língua Estrangeira Grau de formalidade na escrita e na fala
Ensino Fundamental Final Língua Estrangeira Textos orais com marcas entonacionais e pronúncia
Ensino Médio Língua Estrangeira Competência comunicativa: componentes linguísticos, sociolinguísticos e pragmáticos
Ensino Médio Língua Estrangeira Compreensão oral
Ensino Médio Língua Estrangeira Compreensão leitora
Ensino Médio Língua Estrangeira Competência pluricultural: língua como meio de acesso às manifestações culturais
Ensino Fundamental Final Língua Estrangeira Organização textual
Ensino Médio Língua Estrangeira Produção escrita
Ensino Fundamental Final Língua Estrangeira Aspectos morfológicos, sintáticos e fonológicos
Datos de la Clase
O que o aluno poderá aprender com esta aula
  • Aprender algumas palavras e expressões comuns usadas em aeroportos.
Duração das atividades
2 módulos de 50 minutos cada
Conhecimentos prévios trabalhados pelo professor com o aluno
  • Não há necessidade de conhecimento prévio.
Estratégias e recursos da aula
  • Recursos multimídia.
  • Vídeo.
  • Imagens veiculadas na internet.
  • Diálogos.



                                              AT THE AIRPORT



Imagem disponível em: https://www.google.com.br/search?hl=pt-PT&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1024&bih=643&q=at+the+airport&oq=at+the+airpor&gs_l=img.1.0.0i19l6.1649.2811.0.5201. (Acesso em: 21.09.2014)





Atividade 1


Reproduza o vídeo, At the airport - Speaking English at the airport. Common words and phrases, disponível em: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5LuqJJVhaE (Acesso em: 21.09.2014), pausando-o quantas vezes forem necessárias para o entendimento do seu conteúdo. As frases, ao final do vídeo, deverão ser repetidas pelos alunos e anotadas para arquivo pessoal e uso futuro. 


Imagem ilustrativa do referido vídeo


Atividade 2


Projete os diálogos seguintes  e peça para que diferentes duplas de alunos realizem a leitura. Cada diálogo representa uma situação diferente, em contextos variados, como: At the check-in desk; Going through secutiry; and On the plane. Tire dúvidas quanto ao vocabulário desconhecido e corrija a pronúncia das palavras, se necessário.


Essa atividade servirá como modelo para os alunos criarem seus próprios diálogos, em uma futura atividade avaliativa formal. Além de projetados, entregue uma cópia xerocopiada dos diálogos para cada aluno, de modo a compor seus arquivos pessoais para futuras consultas. 







Imagem disponível em:  http://www.espressoenglish.net/travel-english-conversations-in-the-airport/ (Acesso em: 21.09.2014)


Dan is flying from New York to Los Angeles. When he arrives at the airport, he goes to the check-in desk. Read the conversation he has with the agent:


Agent: Good afternoon! Where are you flying to today?

Dan: Los Angeles.

Agent: May I have your passport, please?

Dan: Here you go.

Agent: Are you checking any bags?

Dan: Just this one.

Agent: OK, please place your bag on the scale.

Dan: I have a stopover in Chicago – do I need to pick up my luggage there?

Agent: No, it’ll go straight through to Los Angeles. Here are your boarding passes – your flight leaves from gate 15A and it’ll begin boarding at 3:20. Your seat number is 26E.

Dan: Thanks.






Imagem disponível em: https://www.google.com.br/search?q=check-in+desk&espv=2&biw=1024&bih=643&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=D-IeVL7aAs7bsASIl4HwBw&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#tbm=isch&q=xray+machine+and+metal+detector&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=1eK5sEvUCUgvzM%253A%3BsIZ


52FAirport%252520-2.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fenglishwilleasy.com%252Fenglish-through-pictures%252Fairport%252F%3B506%3B335 (Acesso em: 21.09.2014)


Agent: Please lay your bags flat on the conveyor belt, and use the bins for small objects.

Dan: Do I need to take my laptop out of the bag?

Agent: Yes, you do. Take off your hat and your shoes, too.

(he walks through the metal detector)


Agent: Please step back. Do you have anything in your pockets – keys, cell phone, loose change?

Dan: I don’t think so. Let me try taking off my belt.

Agent: Okay, come on through.

(he goes through the metal detector again)

Agent: You’re all set! Have a nice flight.





Imagem disponível em: https://www.google.com.br/search?q=check-in+desk&espv=2&biw=1024&bih=643&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=D-IeVL7aAs7bsASIl4HwBw&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#tbm=isch&q=ON+A+PLANE&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=pCKc2ZtXSqToCM%253A%3Bm5akvu-dE0zC-M%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.studentflights.com.au%252Ftravel-mag%252Ffiles%252F2013%252F04%252Finside-plane.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.studentflights.com.au%252Ftravel-mag%252F2013%252F05%252Fsf-insider-how-to-get-the-best-seat-on-a-plane%252F%3B600%3B345 (Acesso em: 21.09.2014)


The people who work inside the airplane serving food and drinks are called flight attendants. Read this conversation that Dan has with the flight attendant when dinner is served on the flight.


Flight attendant: Chicken or pasta?

Dan: Sorry?

Flight attendant: Would you like chicken or pasta?

Dan: I’ll have the chicken.

Flight attendant: Anything to drink?

Dan: What kind of soda do you have?

Flight attendant: Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, Orange, and Dr. Pepper.

Dan: A Diet Coke, no ice, please.

flight attendant: Here you go.

Dan: Thanks.


Atividade 3


Entregue aos alunos a seguinte atividade xerocopiada, a qual se refere ao vocabulário introduzido nas atividades anteriores. Eles deverão completar as definições com as palavras da tabela.


Possibilite o uso de dicionários online ou impressos, caso  os alunos apresentem dificuldades com as definições. 



Window seat


Seat assignment



Aisle seat






Boarding pass


Baggage claim

Flight number


Claim check



1)   A trip on an airplane is called a ................

2)   A flight within one country is called a …………… flight.

3)   A flight between different countries is called an …………. Flight.

4)   The letters and numbers which identify an airplane making a specific flight are called a ……………………

5)   Ordering a seat to be held for you on the day you want to travel is called making a ………………..

6)   A printed piece of paper which allows you to travel on an airplane is a ……………………….

7)   The first thing to do at the airport is …., which means to register as a passenger for a flight.

8)   A document which identifies you as a citizen of a certain country and which allows you to travel to other countries is called a ………………..

9)   A stamp in your passport which allows you to travel to another country is called a ………………......................................................................

10)  The selection of a specific seat for a trip on an airplane is called ……………………........................................................................................

11)  A seat next to the window in an airplane is called a …………….......................................................................................................................

12)  A seat next to the passage between the row of seats in an airplane is called an ……………..........................................................................

13)  The suitcases and bags which contain your belongings are called ……………………………..........................................................................

14)  A bag which you carry with you on the airplane is called a …………………… bag.

15)  A small ticket with printed numbers that identify your baggage is called a baggage …………………………...................................................

16)  A printed card which allows you to get on an airplane is called a …………………………………….................................................................

17)  A door which leads from the airport building into an airplane is called a …………………………….................................................................

18)  The area where you pick up your baggage after a flight is called……………………………............................................................................


Adaptado do sitehttp://a4esl.org/q/h/9901/nr-airport.html (Acesso em: 21.09.2014)



Atividade 4


A atividade a seguir deverá ser xerocopiada e entregue para cada aluno. Nesse exercício, os alunos deverão escolher a melhor palavra ou frase para completar um diálogo em um aeroporto. Os alunos poderão trabalhar em duplas. Para a correção, cada dupla deverá ficar responsável pela leitura de uma resposta. Após a correção, peça para que cada dupla leia o diálogo, na íntegra, praticando a pronúncia e a entonação correta das palavras e expressões. 


Choose the correct words/phrases to complete the following conversation at the airport: 

CHECK-IN WORKER: Hi. Where are you flying today? 

YOU: Hi, I'm flying to Miami, but I need a ticket... Can I ________________ here?
  buy one

CHECK-IN WORKER: No, you'll have to go to the ticket counter... That's over in terminal 3. 

YOU: How _________________?
  do I get there
  do I come to it
  can I be there

CHECK-IN WORKER: You can walk there. The terminals are connected. Just turn right and go all the way to END of this terminal and you'll be in Terminal 3. 


YOU: Hi there. I ________________ a ticket here?
  told me that I can
  will buy
  was told I could buy

TICKET COUNTER WORKER: Yes you can. Where to? 

YOU: I need a ticket to Miami, please, for today _______________.
  if possible
  can be

TICKET COUNTER WORKER: All right.... Yes, I can get you on the flight at 7:00 PM tonight, which arrives in Miami at 10:00 PM. This ticket is $650. 

YOU: Do you have anything ________________?
  so expensive

TICKET COUNTER WORKER: No, not on such short notice, sir. That's the lowest price I can get you for today or tomorrow. 


Disponível em:Fonte: http://www.learnenglishfeelgood.com/travelenglish/english-travel-airport3.html (Acesso em: 21.09.2014)




Atividade 5


Entregue uma cópia das expressões e perguntas seguintes para cada aluno. Leia oralmente as frases e perguntas, tirando possíveis dúvidas com pronúncia e vocabulário. Essa lista também servirá de modelo para a atividade avaliativa formal, a ser desenvolvida ao final da aula. 


Other questions & phrases for the airport


§   “Excuse me, where is the American Airlines check-in desk?”

§  “Where is terminal 4?”

§  “Where is gate 36?”

§  “How many bags can I check?”

§  “Will my luggage go straight through, or do I need to pick it up in [Chicago]?”

§  “How much is the fee?”

If your bag is heavier than the weight limits, or if your bag is larger than the size limits, you may need to pay extra. an oversized baggage fee or overweight baggage fee (this can be $75 to $300)Some airlines in the United States also charge a fee for ALL checked bags (usually $15 to $30).

§  “Please mark this bag as ‘fragile.’”

Say this if you have fragile or sensitive items in your bag that might break

§  “Is the flight on time?”

The agent will respond either “Yes” if the flight is on time, or “There’s a 20-minute delay” (for example) if the flight will leave later than expected.


Extra questions in the U.S.

On flights going to or inside the U.S., you will probably be asked some extra security questions before or during check-in. Here are some sample questions:


Answer YES to these questions:


§  Did you pack your bags yourself?

§  Has your luggage been in your possession at all times?

§  Are you aware of the regulations regarding liquids in your carry-on?


Answer NO to these questions:


§  Are you carrying any firearms or flammable materials?

§  Have you left your luggage unattended at any time?

§  Has anyone given you anything to carry on the flight?


Conversation Tips:


If you didn’t understand what the flight attendant said, you can say Sorry? or Pardon? to ask him or her to repeat it.


If you want to ask for something, you can use the phrase “Can I have…?” or “Could I have…?” Practice your pronunciation with these common requests:


 “Can I have a pillow?”

§  “Can I have a blanket?”

§  “Can I have a pair of headphones?” / “Could I have a headset?”

§  “Could I have some water/coffee/tea?”

§  “Could I have some extra napkins?”


Finally, if you need to stand up, but there is a person sitting between you and the aisle, you can say EXCUSE ME and make a motion to start standing up. The person sitting next to you will understand and stand up to let you get out of your seat. 


Adaptado do site: http://www.espressoenglish.net/travel-english-conversations-in-the-airport/ (Acesso em: 21.09.2014)


Atividade 6


At the Airport - Interactive Practice


No laboratório de informática, acesse o link http://pt.talkenglish.com/LessonPractice.aspx?ALID=394 (acesso em 21.09.2014) e peça aos alunos para acompanharem  o diálogo que se passa em um aeroporto.


Depois de ouvir  o diálogo algumas vezes, peça para que os alunos participem do diálogo, clicando, primeiramente, no botão - Pessoa A. Assim, cada aluno irá ouvir somente a pessoa B falando no áudio. Haverá um silêncio para que o aluno repita as frases da Pessoa A. Em seguida, o aluno deverá fazer o mesmo, participando do diálogo como  Pessoa B.


A velocidade do diálogo é a utilizada por um nativo da língua inglesa. O aluno poderá pausar o listening, caso o intervalo entre cada frase seja muito rápido e ele não esteja conseguindo ouvir e acompanhar. Depois de praticar várias vezes,  cada aluno deverá falar tão rápido como um nativo.


Peça aos alunos que pratiquem o diálogo várias vezes, trocando os papeis de Pessoa A para Pessoa B. Ao final da atividade, forme duplas entre os alunos que deverão representar o diálogo para os demais colegas.  


Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B
A: "Welcome. May I have your tickets?"
B: "Here you go."
A: "Is anybody else traveling with you two?"
B: "No. It's just us."
A: "Do you have your passports with you?"
B: "Yes. Here it is."
A: "I'm going to ask you a series of questions. Please respond with a yes or a no."
B: "Ok."
A: "Did someone you do not know ask you to take something on the plane with you?"
B: "No."
A: "Did you have possession of your luggage since you packed?"
B: "Yes."
A: "Did you leave your luggage unattended at all in the airport?"
B: "No."
A: "Are you carrying any weapons or firearms?"
B: "No."
A: "Are you carrying any flammable material?"
B: "No."
A: "Do you have any perishable food items?"
B: "No."
A: "Great. Can you place your baggage over here?"
B: "Sure."
A: "Would you like an aisle or a window seat?"
B: "Window seat please."
A: "Ok. I am placing you two in 21A and 21B. The gate number is C2. It is on the bottom of the ticket. They will start boarding 20 minutes before the departure time. C2 is located around the corner through the hall. Thank you."
B: "Can you point me to gate C2?"
A: "Sure. It's that way. Around that corner."
B: "Great. Thank you."


Atividade 7


Projete  para os alunos a seguinte conversa a qual  se passa em um aeroporto. A seguir, peça a eles que respondam às questões que se referem à compreensão do diálogo.


Faça a correção da atividade oralmente, revezando a participação dos alunos. Em seguida, escolha alguns alunos para representarem o diálogo, treinando, uma vez mais, a pronúncia das palavras e a entonação das expressões. 





Check-in Assistant:

Hello. Are you flying to St. Martin today?


Yes, I have my ticket here.

Check-in Assistant:

Great. I'll need to see your passport as well.


I have an e-ticket. Uh...is this the part you need?

Check-in Assistant:

Actually I just need your name and I can find you on the computer.


Oh OK. It's Bates. Frank Bates.

Check-in Assistant:

Great. Here we are. Oh, you're traveling with an infant today.


Yes, my daughter Mia. She's 14 months.

Check-in Assistant:

Okay. I'll need to see your daughter's birth certificate to prove that she is under two years of age.


Here you are. Say, would we be able to get an aisle seat? I may have to walk her around if she gets fussy.

Check-in Assistant:

Sure. I'll put you near the washroom too.


Thanks. Can I take my stroller to the gate?

Check-in Assistant:

Yes, we'll check it in the over-sized luggage after you board. Are you just checking these two bags today?


Yes, I'll take my knapsack as my carry-on.

Check-in Assistant:

Did you pack these bags yourself?



Check-in Assistant:

Okay. Here is your boarding pass. Be at the gate one hour prior to boarding time. You will be able to preboard because you are traveling with an infant. Our flight crew will have some special instructions for take-off and landing.


Check your understanding:


a) What´s is the man´s family name?

b) Instead of a ticket, what does the check-in assistant ask the man for?

c) Where does the passenger request to sit?

d) Who is he traveling with? How old is she?

e) How would the check-in assistant check if the baby is under two years old of age?

f) How much luggage does he have? Describe it. 

g) Why will the man be able to preboard?


Adaptado do site:  https://www.englishclub.com/english-for-work/airline-check-in.htm (Acesso em: 21.09.2014)

Recursos Complementares

Para outros vídeos, acesse:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCKFGYFxg7A (Acesso em: 21.09.2014)


Para outros diálogos e atividades, acesse:

http://esl.about.com/od/beginnerpronunciation/a/bd_airport.htm (Acesso em: 21.09.2014)


Todas as atividades poderão ser avaliadas, uma vez que a aula consiste na ampla participação do aluno nos diálogos e nas diversas situações comunicativas apresentadas.


Para uma avaliação formal, os alunos deverão apresentar um diálogo intitulado, AT THE AIRPORT. No diálogo, deverá aparecer as diversas situações comunicativas específicas desse ambiente. Para isso, poderão utilizar-se do vocabulário e das expressões introduzidas nas atividades da aula. Como critério de avaliação, observe se os alunos utilizaram-se, amplamente, das diversas situações apresentadas durante a aula.  

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