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Verb + infinitive; verb + ing



Autor e Coautor(es)
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UBERLANDIA - MG Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Eliana Dias, Lazuíta Goretti de Oliveira

Estrutura Curricular
Modalidade / Nível de Ensino Componente Curricular Tema
Ensino Médio Língua Estrangeira Competência comunicativa: componentes linguísticos, sociolinguísticos e pragmáticos
Ensino Médio Língua Estrangeira Compreensão leitora
Ensino Médio Língua Estrangeira Produção escrita
Ensino Médio Língua Estrangeira Competência pluricultural: língua como meio de acesso às manifestações culturais
Ensino Médio Língua Estrangeira Produção oral
Ensino Médio Língua Estrangeira Compreensão oral
Dados da Aula
O que o aluno poderá aprender com esta aula
  • Utilizar corretamente os verbos acompanhadas das formas -ing e gerúndio.
Duração das atividades
2 módulos de 50 minutos cada
Conhecimentos prévios trabalhados pelo professor com o aluno

Não há necessidade de conhecimento prévio.

Estratégias e recursos da aula
  • Recursos multimídia;
  • vídeo;
  • imagens veiculadas na internet;
  • atividades xerocopiadas;
  • atividades realizadas em pares ou individualmente.



                              VERB + INFINITIVE ; VERB + ING




Imagem disponível em: https://www.google.com.br/search?q=VERB+%3D+INFINITIVE+VERB+%2B+ING&espv=2&biw=1024&bih=643&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=nctfVN_OIoeXNtrFg6AO&ved=0CAcQ_AUoA


r%252Fgerund-infinitive-verbs.html%3B138%3B119 (Acesso em: 09.11.2014).




Atividade 1


Para a introdução do tema da aula, reproduza o vídeo Verb + Gerund, Infinitive (Stop, Remember, Forget),

disponível em http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1htxRUiLNk (Acesso em: 09.11.2014).


Em um primeiro momento, os alunos deverão apenas prestar atenção no conteúdo do vídeo, que se refere ao uso do gerúndio ou infinitivo depois de alguns verbos e suas respectivas regras. Em um segundo momento, pause o vídeo em cada informação que julgar pertinente, possibilitando que os alunos a copiem. Faça uma lista no quadro, separando os verbos que são seguidos de infinitivo dos seguidos de gerúndio, à medida que o vídeo os apresenta.  




Imagem ilustrativa do vídeo


Atividade 2


Projete o seguinte texto, com informações sobre o uso de verbos acompanhados do infinitivo ou do -ing. Peça para que os alunos se revezem na leitura do texto. Possibilite que copiem algumas informações, caso julguem necessárias. 


                                  Infinitive or -ing???


Sometimes we need to decide whether to use a verb in its:

  • -ing form (doing, singing)

  • infinitive form (to do, to sing).

For example, only one of the following sentences is correct. Which one?

  • I dislike working late. (???)
  • I dislike to work late. (???)

When to use the infinitive

The infinitive form is used after certain verbs:
- forget, help, learn, teach, train
- choose, expect, hope, need, offer, want, would like
- agree, encourage, pretend, promise
- allow, can/can't afford, decide, manage, mean, refuse

  • forgot to close the window.
  • Mary needs to leave early.
  • Why are they encouraged to learn English?
  • We can't afford to take a long holiday.

The infinitive form is always used after adjectives, for example:
- disappointed, glad, happy, pleased, relieved, sad, surprised

  • I was happy to help them.
  • She will be delighted to see you.

This includes too + adjective:

  • The water was too cold to swim in.
  • Is your coffee too hot to drink?

The infinitive form is used after adjective + enough:

  • He was strong enough to lift it.
  • She is rich enough to buy two.

When to use -ing

The -ing form is used when the word is the subject of a sentence or clause:

  • Swimming is good exercise.
  • Doctors say that smoking is bad for you.

The -ing form is used after a preposition:

  • I look forward to meeting you.
  • They left without saying "Goodbye."

The -ing form is used after certain verbs:
- avoid, dislike, enjoy, finish, give up, mind/not mind, practise

  • dislike getting up early.
  • Would you mind opening the window?


Some verbs can be followed by the  -ing form  or the  infinitive without a big change in meaning:  begin, continue, hate, intend, like, love, prefer, propose, start.
  • It started to rain.
  • It started raining.
  • I like to play tennis.
  • I like playing tennis.

Fonte: https://www.englishclub.com/grammar/verbs-m_infinitive-ing.htm (acesso em 09.11.2014)



Atividade 3


Distribua o diálogo abaixo para cada aluno e peça para que, em duplas, o leiam. Depois de alguns minutos, cada dupla deverá realizar a leitura em voz alta e, dessa vez, observe e corrija possíveis problemas com pronúncia e vocabulário desconhecido. Peça para que os alunos identifiquem e sublinhem todos os verbos seguidos de infinitivo ou de gerúndio. Escreva no quadro todos os verbos identificados pelos alunos e peça para que expliquem o uso de cada um deles. Chame a atenção dos alunos para o fato de que alguns verbos podem vir acompanhados de outros,  tanto no gerúndio quanto no infinitivo. Identifique esses verbos com os alunos e escreva-os no quadro. 


In pairs, read and act out this short dialogue.


Fred:         Hello, Geoffrey! Where are the others? Haven’t they come yet?

Geoffrey: No, they ‘re not coming. They’ve changed their mind.

Fred:       I wonder what they intend to do.

Geoffrey: They’re going swimming.

Fred:        I don’t understand what people like about swimming when you can have 
                 fun watching live car-racing on a Sunday afternoon.

Geoffrey: That’s rather like watching a film on T.V, isn’t it? What’s the use of just
                 watching, anyway?

Fred:        But what you see is real action! It’s like being in it.

Geoffrey: You might as well say you prefer smelling coffee to drinking it!

Fred:        Ah! Enough of your arguments. Looks like you’d rather join them.

Geoffrey: As a matter of fact, yes! I’m going swimming.

Fred:        Good luck in your dull sport. I’m going car-racing watching!


Fonte adaptada: http://www.elateafrica.org/elate/english/verbs/gerundsentences.html (acesso em 09.11.2014)





Atividade 4


Inicie esse módulo, distribuindo aos alunos a seguinte atividade xerocopiada. Possibilite que trabalhem em duplas. Na correção, cada aluno ficará responsável pela leitura de uma frase. Faça uma tabela no quadro e distribua os verbos em:


verb + infinitive       verb + gerund        verb + infinitive or gerund  


Put the verb into the correct form: 
1. I don’t fancy ______________ (go) out tonight. 
2. She avoided ______________ (tell) him about her plans. 
3. I would like ______________ (come) to the party with you. 
4. He enjoys ______________ (have) a bath in the evening. 
5. She kept ______________ (talk) during the film. 
6. I am learning ______________ (speak) English. 
7. Do you mind ______________ (give) me a hand? 
8. She helped me ______________ (carry) my suitcases. 
9. I’ve finished ______________ (cook). Come and eat! 
10. He decided ______________ (study) Biology. 
11. I dislike ______________ (wait). 
12. He asked ______________ (come) with us. 
13. I promise ______________ (help) you tomorrow. 
14. We discussed ______________ (go) to the cinema, but in the end we stayed at 
15. She agreed ______________ (bring) the pudding. 
16. I don’t recommend ______________ (take) the bus, it takes forever! 
17. We hope ______________ (visit) Amsterdam next month. 
18. She suggested ______________ (go) to the museum. 
19. They plan ______________ (start) college in the autumn. 


20. I don’t want ______________ (leave) yet. 


1. going 
2. telling 
3. to come 
4. having 
5. talking 
6. to speak 
7. giving 
8. to carry 
9. cooking 
10. to study 
11. waiting 
12. to come 
13. to help 
14. going 
15. to bring 
16. taking 
17. to visit 
18. going 
19. to start 
20. to leave 
Atividade 5
Distribua uma cópia da seguinte atividade aos alunos e disponibilize um tempo de, aproximadamente, 15 minutos para a sua realização. Possibilite o trabalho em grupos ou duplas, de acordo com o número de alunos na turma. Para a correção, solicite que cada aluno leia em voz alta uma história, colocando o verbo na forma correta (infinitivo ou gerúndio). Solucione possíveis dúvidas com o vocabulário desconhecido, disponibilizando dicionários aos alunos. 
For each of the sentences below, choose either the infinitive or gerund form of the verb. 



Question 1.
Within the question text below, there is one text entry field where you can enter your answer.

From a children's story

Molly shut her eyes. It was an ordinary November evening, and she was in a shabby bathroom in a crumbling building called the Hardwick House Orphanage. She imagined [3] (to fly, flying)  over it like a bird, looking down at its gray slate roof and its bramble-filled garden. 

  End of Question 1


Question 2.
Within the question text below, there is one text entry field where you can enter your answer.

From a news article about Iran's presidential election in June 2005

None of the seven candidates is expected [1] (to get, getting)  the 50 percent support needed to win outright, meaning the two top vote-getters will likely meet in a runoff election. Iran's leadership, meanwhile, bristled at sharp criticism the day before from President Bush, who called the elections undemocratic and designed to keep clerics in power. 

  End of Question 2


Question 3.
Within the question text below, there is one text entry field where you can enter your answer.

From a news article on a debate over torture in the U.S. Congress

"This is the type of thing you would expect from a repressive regime. This is not the type of thing you would expect from the United States," Durbin said. Durbin spokesman said Wednesday that the senator did not plan [4] (to apologize, apologizing) for the comments. The senator issued a statement saying it's the administration that should apologize "for abandoning the Geneva Conventions and authorizing torture techniques that put our troops at risk and make Americans less secure."


  End of Question 3


Question 4.
Within the question text below, there is one text entry field where you can enter your answer.

From a newspaper account of a murder trial

On the tape, Manuel said he thought Reynolds was the shooter. Asked about inconsistencies with previous questioning sessions, Manuel denied [20] (to lie, lying)  to police. "My statement is basically the same as last time," he said. "I just didn't tell you because I was scared." The trial continues today. 

  End of Question 4


Question 5.
Within the question text below, there is one text entry field where you can enter your answer.

From a technician's report on a computer system problem

Maple technical support has been able [13] (to duplicate, duplicating)  our system resource problem, and admits that Maple is "a hog" when it comes to system resources. 

  End of Question 5


Question 6.
Within the question text below, there is one text entry field where you can enter your answer.

From a web essay on the trial of the astronomer, Galileo

On April 30, Galileo confessed to having been too prideful in this Dialogue, and having stated the Copernican case too strongly; he offered [11] (to write, writing)  a hundred additional pages to correct this difficulty.  

  End of Question 6


Question 7.
Within the question text below, there is one text entry field where you can enter your answer.

From a website advertising sports training for boys

When Bailey's authoritative but kindly voice rings out over the group, the kids halt and listen. On a recent evening, the boys practised [5] (to throw, throwing)  12-inch knives and flicked bullwhips for about an hour as Bailey supervised and guided them.


  End of Question 7


Question 8.
Within the question text below, there is one text entry field where you can enter your answer.

From a website that discusses different styles of training for runners

Tempo training is useful because it boosts speed as the body becomes accustomed to [7] (run, running)  at close to its upper limit.


  End of Question 8


Question 9.
Within the question text below, there is one text entry field where you can enter your answer.

From a website that gives instructions on growing orchids, a type of flower

One watering rule you can live by is that most orchids tolerate [17] (to be, being) too dry much better than they tolerate being too wet.  

  End of Question 9

Fonte adaptada: http://wps.pearsoned.ca/ca_ab_faigley_penghdbk_1/64/16478/4218569.cw/-/4218585/index.html (acesso em 09.11.2014)


Atividade 6




Imagem ilustrativa do vídeo sugerido na atividade


Para finalizar a aula, reproduza o seguinte vídeo Verb + -ing or verb + infinitive, disponível em http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/grammar-vocabulary/grammar-videos/verb-ing-or-verb-infinitive (acesso em 09.11.2014). Na história narrada no vídeo, aparecem vários verbos seguidos ora de infinitivo ora do gerúndio. Os alunos deverão localizar e identificar esses verbos, escrevendo-os no quadro. Pause o vídeo, facilitando a identificação. Depois de todos os verbos localizados, distribua o tanscript aos alunos que deverão assistir novamente ao vídeo, mas dessa vez acompanhando as falas. Peça, ainda, para que alguns alunos se revezem na leitura do transcript e corrija os erros de pronúncia. Verifique, também, se os alunos entenderam o contexto da história, fazendo algumas perguntas sobre a história apresentada no vídeo, como, por exemplo:

Where are Oliver, Daisy and Alfie?

How is Oliver?

Why is he so upset?

What do Daisy and Alfie decide to do to help him? etc 



Daisy: What's up, Oli?
Oliver: Hm? Oh, nothing.
Alfie: Oh come on, something's wrong.
Oliver: No, seriously ...
Daisy: Don't tell me, you invited Amy to go to your class dinner but she decided to go with Elliot instead ...
Alfie: Well, you like cooking, so lunch isn't the problem. I know! You want to wear your favourite T-shirt but it's got tomato on it.
Oliver: No! Well, yes, that too – I don't know how to clean it but, no, that's not the real problem. It's … well ... it's Mum.
Daisy: Have you had an argument? When did she phone? Oh, I hate missing her calls!
Oliver: She hasn't called yet, don't worry.
Daisy: So what's up? Come on! Just tell us! I don't like seeing you like this, Oli!
Oliver: Well, she's in Italy. And she promised to take me there. I was looking forward to going. I planned to go to some real Italian restaurants to, you know, have some real Italian food, so I could try to make some at home. And I wanted to visit Rome and Venice and Florence and Siena and ... well, she hasn't even remembered to phone or to send an email or anything!
Daisy: No, but she will. You know she's always so busy. She never stops working. Or maybe she's had a problem. But it'll be cool, she'll phone.
Alfie: Do you know what you need? You need to have some fun! We can pretend to be in Italy!
Daisy: Pretend to be there?
Alfie: Yes! Let's do it! You wanted to practise cooking Italian food, didn't you? So ... here's a cookbook. We just need to choose a dish and then we need to buy ingredients. You cook, Oliver, and I know how to make a great tiramisu. Daisy, you get some Italian music – we can eat in the garden, like at a pavement café.
Daisy: Alfie, you're mad. You're wonderful and mad, and I love doing mad things ...
Sophie: Hi, guys!
Oliver/Daisy: Hi, Mum!
Alfie: Hi, Sophie!
Daisy: How's Italy?
Sophie: Oh, it didn't stop raining all day yesterday, and today it's foggy! It's impossible! I can't see anything or go anywhere. I'll have to come back next month. Oh, and Oli, would you like to come too then? Gennaro Falcone, the famous restaurant owner, has offered to teach you some of his most popular recipes. I told him you really enjoy cooking.
Oliver: I'd love to go, Mum! Thanks!
Sophie: So. What are you doing? It looks ... interesting! 

Recursos Complementares

Para outros materiais sobre o tema, acesse:

http://www.uazone.org/friends/esl4rus/ingform.html (acesso em 09.11.2014);

http://www.myenglishpages.com/site_php_files/grammar-lesson-gerund-infinitive.php#.VF_NkjTF91Y (acesso em 09.11.2014);

http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/verblist.htm (acesso em 09.11.2014)

Para outros vídeos sobre o tema, acesse:

http://www.engvid.com/gerund-or-infinitive/ (acesso em 09.11.2014);

http://www.engvid.com/10-verbs-followed-by-infinitives/ (acesso em 09.11.2014);

http://www.engvid.com/10-common-verbs-followed-by-gerunds/ (acesso em 09.11.2014)

  • Todas as atividades da aula deverão ser avaliadas pelo professor, que deverá considerar a participação e o envolvimento dos alunos com as tarefas solicitadas. 
  • Para uma avaliação formal, solicite que os alunos criem um pequeno diálogo, em que se utilizem de verbos acompanhados de infinitivo ou de gerúndio. O texto escrito deverá ser entregue ao professor e apresentado ao grupo. 
Opinião de quem acessou

Cinco estrelas 1 classificações

  • Cinco estrelas 1/1 - 100%
  • Quatro estrelas 0/1 - 0%
  • Três estrelas 0/1 - 0%
  • Duas estrelas 0/1 - 0%
  • Uma estrela 0/1 - 0%

Denuncie opiniões ou materiais indevidos!


  • prysdelian nayana, Nucleo de Linguas , Ceará - disse:


    Cinco estrelas

    Olá! Parabéns pela aula preparada.. Os recursos são ótimos e é uma comunicação muito simples. É mais comum a competitividade nesse nosso meio e disponibilizar esse conteúdo me foi de muita ajuda! Obrigada!

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