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Estructura Curricular
Modalidad / Nivel de Enseñanza Disciplina Tema
Ensino Fundamental Final Língua Estrangeira Aspectos morfológicos, sintáticos e fonológicos
Ensino Fundamental Final Língua Estrangeira Grau de formalidade na escrita e na fala
Ensino Fundamental Final Língua Estrangeira Organização textual
Ensino Fundamental Final Língua Estrangeira Textos orais com marcas entonacionais e pronúncia
Datos de la Clase
O que o aluno poderá aprender com esta aula
  • Identificar conjunções e compreender seus significados.
  • Construir sentenças ligadas por conjunções coordenadas e subordinadas.
Duração das atividades
2 aulas / módulos de 50 minutos
Conhecimentos prévios trabalhados pelo professor com o aluno

Nenhum conhecimento prévio sistemático é necessário. 

Estratégias e recursos da aula

Módulo 1



Inicie a aula, mostrando a figura 1 aos alunos e indagando sobre as palavras constantes na figura. Pergunte a eles o que são e para que servem essas palavras. Deixe os alunos falarem o que sabem e, posteriormente, explique que essas palavras são chamadas conjunções, ou também, conectores, ou ainda, palavras de ligação, e têm a finalidade de ligar duas sentenças ou duas orações, indicando a relação entre os termos.

Comentário: Sugiro que o professor use a expressão “linking words”, ao invés de “conjunctions”, por ser um termo mais abrangente e mais informal. 


Figura 1 - Linking Words



Fonte: http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/my_documents/my_pictures/2009/jun/4BE_veznici.gif, acesso em 16 ago. 2014.


A primeira atividade consiste em identificar as conjunções. Distribua cópias do exercício abaixo e dê alguns minutos para que os discentes encontrem as conjunções no texto. Peça a eles para lerem as respostas. Faça a correção oralmente.


Underline the linking words in the text below.


All my friends were tired last night, so we decided not to go out. We went to Peter’s house, because the place is great and his parents are nice to us. We stayed there for hours but we didn’t watch TV. We played video games instead, because the TV programs were all boring. Jack could play with us or do something else, but he decided to go home, so he phoned his parents to pick him up earlier. I was not hungry, however, all of us ate pizza and drank soda. Although tomorrow is Friday, we don’t have classes in the morning, so we can go to bed late tonight. We are thinking of going to the movies or eating at a fast food restaurant. We can’t decide!

Fonte: Texto da autora.


Comentário: Padrão de resposta esperado: so, because, and, but, because, or, but, so, however, although, so, or.


Depois da realização desta atividade, fale sobre os significados das conjunções que apareceram no texto, tomando como exemplo cada sentença. Por fim, mostre a tabela da figura 2 e verifique se os alunos compreenderam a finalidade de cada conjunção.


Figura 2 -  Linking Words - Meanings





adds information; means in addition.


contradicts, offers a contrast, or introduces something unexpected.


offers a choice. 


introduces the cause of a cause-effect relationship.


introduces the effect of a cause-effect relationship; means as a result.


contradicts; means in spite of the fact that.


contradicts; means in spite of this.


contradicts; means in spite of; not prevented by.

Fonte: Arquivo da autora.




Esta tarefa consiste em formar sentenças mais longas, acrescentando uma conjunção e outra sentença retirada da tabela dada. Dê uma cópia do exercício abaixo para cada aluno e conceda alguns minutos para a resolução. Faça a correção oral, pedindo que cada aluno leia uma sentença.


Make longer sentences, by using AND / BUT / OR / SO / BECAUSE + a sentence from the table. One example is given.

Example: 1. She ran to the door and opened it. 


They took a lot of photographs.

She swam to the other side.

I can’t remember her name.

Did you travel?

I couldn’t sleep.

She asked to be transferred to another department.

It was raining.

I had to walk home.

She opened it.

Don’t come back!

He didn’t see me.

You can take the train.

The dog walked in.

He doesn’t use it very often.

It was very hot in the office.

I didn’t read it.



























1.      She ran to the door.

2.      I saw my friend Bob at the bank.

3.      Did you stay in town last weekend?

4.      She turned on the fan.

5.      Go away!

6.      The door was opened.

7.      I bought a new magazine.

8.      I got up in the middle of the night.

9.      He bought a computer.

10.   There were no buses.

11.   I can remember her face.

12.   The outdoor games were canceled.

13.   You can go by car.

14.   Maggie jumped into the pool.

15.   They traveled to New York.

16.   She doesn’t like her job.


Comentário: Padrão de resposta esperado: 1. She ran to the door and opened it. 2. I saw my friend Bob at the bank, but he didn’t see me. 3. Did you stay in town last weekend or did you travel? 4.She turned on the fan, because it was very hot in the office. 5. Go away and don’t come back! 6. The door was opened, so the dog walked in. 7. I bought a new magazine, but I didn’t read it. 8. I got up in the middle of the night, because I couldn’t sleep. 9. He bought a computer, but he doesn’t use it very often. 10. There were no buses, so I had to walk home. 11. I can remember her face, but I can’t remember her name. 12. The outdoor games were canceled, because it was raining. 13. You can go by car or you can take the train. 14. Maggie jumped into the pool and swam to the other side. 15. They traveled to New York and took a lot of photographs. 16. She doesn’t like her job, so she asked to be transferred to another department.


Módulo 2


O objetivo desta atividade é fazer com que os alunos criem suas próprias sentenças, usando conjunções. Divida a classe em dois times, A e B. Faça uma cópia da figura 3, corte as cartas e coloque-as com a face para baixo sobre uma mesa. Um membro do time A retira uma carta, lê a sentença e a completa. Se o participante conseguir construir uma frase corretamente, seu time marca um ponto e ele passa a vez para o outro time. Caso contrário, ele não pontua e passa a vez. 
Figura 3 - Cards to be completed

My sister is ill so …

It is a very nice house, but …

My brother went to the club and …

I got up very early last Saturday, because …

It was late so …

You need to study hard, but …

I was hungry because …

She is looking at her watch because …

Do you want to go to the movies or …?

I didn’t go to school, but …

It was hot and …

In the evenings, I listen to music or …

The car crashed because …

I don’t like pasta so …

Phone me tonight and …

I failed in Maths because …  

Are you tired or …?

Anna didn’t do her homework, so …

Fonte: Arquivo da autora.




Faça cópias da palavra cruzada abaixo e as distribua para os alunos. Conceda alguns minutos para a execução da tarefa e, em seguida, corrija oralmente.




2. I can't visit her ___ I don't know where she lives.

4. We arrived on time ___ the bad traffic.

6. I am ill ___ I go to work anyway.

8. He passed the exam. ___, he failed the interview.


1. You look thinner ___ she looks taller.

3. ___ it rained, we played football.

5. The car broke down ___ he took it to the mechanic.

7. Do you want to play tennis ___ do you want to swim?


Fonte: Arquivo da autora.


Comentário: Padrão de resposta esperado: Across: 2. because; 4. despite; 6. but; 8. however; Down: 1. and; 3. although; 5. so; 7. or.




O objetivo desta atividade é trabalhar não só a compreensão textual, mas também, algumas palavras de ligação. A história abaixo, chamada "A shower injury", foi retirada do endereço: http://www.eslyes.com/eslread/ss/s008.htm, acesso em 16 ago. 2014, e adaptada pela autora. Alguns conectores foram extraídos do texto. O exercício consiste em completar a história com as conjunções que se encontram na tabela dada. Faça cópias do exercício e as distribua para os alunos. Ao final da tarefa, sugiro que o professor leia o texto completo, para que a pronúncia e a entonação sejam  observadas. Para verificar a compreensão da história, faça a seguinte pergunta: Has it already happened to you? (Isso já aconteceu com você?)


Complete the text below with the linking words from the box.

AND (3X)









A shower injury


Ben leaned over the edge of the tub ______ turned on the hot and cold water faucets. The water came out of the spout near the top of the tub. He pushed down on the lever beneath the spout _______ the water would drain. He did that _______ he was going to take a shower, not a bath.

He tested the temperature, _______ it wasn't hot enough, _______ he adjusted the hot water faucet. There was another handle between the hot and cold faucets. This one controlled whether water came out of the spout _______ out of the shower head. Ben turned it all the way to the right. Now hot water was coming out of the shower head. The temperature was just right.

Ben took off his robe ________ stepped over the top of the tub. _______ he pulled the shower door closed, he was still feeling a little cold. He grabbed the bar of soap out of the soap dish _______ started scrubbing his face.

He put the soap back into the dish, while his eyes were closed, _______ he wanted to keep out the soap. _______ moving slowly and carefully, he dropped the big plastic container of shampoo which was on his window ledge. The bottle hit his left foot.

"Shoot!" Ben said angrily. That hurt. 


Comentário: Padrão de resposta esperado: and; so that; because; but; so; or; and; Although; and; because; Despite.



Recursos Complementares

Exercícios contendo conjunções coordenadas podem ser encontrados no endereço: http://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/elc/studyzone/330/grammar/coconj1.htm, acesso em 16 ago. 2014.

Uma atividade sobre conjunções para ser realizada em duplas pode ser encontrada no endereço: http://www.teachingandlearningenglish.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/ESL-Conjunctions-Worksheet.pdf, acesso em 16 ago. 2014.

O endereço: http://www.tolearnenglish.com/exercises/exercise-english-2/exercise-english-91807.php, acesso em 16 ago. 2014, traz um teste envolvendo conectores.


A avaliação deverá ser realizada de maneira contínua e formativa. O professor deverá observar o desempenho e o envolvimento do aluno na realização das atividades propostas.

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