Portal do Governo Brasileiro
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Clothing and Colors



Autor e Coautor(es)
Adriana Gouvêa Dutra Teixeira
imagem do usuário



Estrutura Curricular
Modalidade / Nível de Ensino Componente Curricular Tema
Ensino Fundamental Final Língua Estrangeira Grau de formalidade na escrita e na fala
Ensino Fundamental Final Língua Estrangeira Organização textual
Dados da Aula
O que o aluno poderá aprender com esta aula

Vocabulário sobre vestuário (clothes), descrição de roupas e pessoas

Duração das atividades
3 aulas de 50 minutos
Conhecimentos prévios trabalhados pelo professor com o aluno

Cores (colors), uso do verb to be, Simple present (uso do DO e DES), Simple past (DID) and numbers.

Estratégias e recursos da aula
Aula 1

Apresente o tema da aula e informe os alunos que, para trabalhar esse tema, você fará com eles uma revisão das cores e formas. Veja os flashcards abaixo para relembrar. Ao apresentar o vocabulário com o uso de flascards, incentive-os a repetir a pronúncia das palavras à medida que você mostra como dizê-las. Escreva-as no quadro, criando uma lista para que eles vejam também a forma escrita.

(acesso em 18/09/2009)

Agora o vocabulário básico para roupas:


(acesso em 18/09/2009)

Em cada um dos links você poderá imprimir os flashcards e a ideia é criar um grande grupo de opções para roupas. Se for viável, dê um flashcard para cada aluno. Caso contrário, selecione grupos de três e dê para cada um uma quantidade similar de cards. Peça a eles que descrevam o flashcard que receberam, usando cores e formas, quando possível. Cada aluno ou pequeno grupo produzirá uma frase. Peça para que cada um fale rapidamente sua frase descrevendo seu flashcard:

EX.:I have a blue jeans.

A partir daí, junte as produções de outros alunos para formar produções completas (ou quase): quem tem o flashcard de blue jeans completa a frase com quem tem o flashcard de uma camiseta um tênis e um anel, por exemplo. Cada grupo ou aluno, dependendo do desenho anterior, fará a descrição de uma roupa completa, com o maior número de detalhes possível. Incentive os alunos a falar as frases que foram criadas a partir dessa produção conjunta. 

Aula 2

Apresente as imagens abaixo para que a turma descreva, a proposta é que cada grupo faça com a imagem como na aula anterior, crie opções de vestuário dentro das possibilidades apresentadas. O ideal é fazer uma descrição feminina e outra masculina.

Exiba o vídeo abaixo, que mostra uma espécie de "previsão" de estilistas da década de 30 sobre como seria a moda no ano 2000 (cerca de 1:36 min.). O vídeo não tem legendas e as falas são muito rápidas, mas tranquilize os alunos, dizendo que é natural que eles não entendam tudo, mas peça-os para anotar qualquer palavra que eles escutem e entendam. Mostre-o mais de uma vez para que os alunos percebam detalhes que, de uma primeira vez, passam despercebidos. Incentive uma discussão sobre o que se achava que seria usado e o que realmente se usa hoje. Há semelhanças ? Quais são as diferenças ? E os acessórios ?


(acesso em 18/09/2009)

Aula 3:


Pergunte aos alunos se eles conhecem o conto “A roupa nova do rei” de Hans Christian Andersen. Incentive-os a falar o que sabem sobre o conto em Português, para que eles ativem um esquema de idéias sobre o texto. Isso vai ajudar no reconhecimento de vocabulário desconhecido, uma vez que eles podem fazer a associação do acontecimento e contextualizar a palavra desconhecida por eles, descobrindo mais facilmente o seu sentido.

O texto abaixo está disponível em http://www.mindfully.org/Reform/Emperors-New-Clothes.htm (acesso em 16/09/2009) mas você pode baixar o texto em .doc a partir do endereço http://sites.google.com/site/centropedagogicoufmg/lingua-estrangeira-1/adriana-teixeira/emperor-new-clothes (acesso em 19/09/2009)

The Emperor's New Clothes

Many years ago there lived an emperor who loved beautiful new clothes so much that he spent all his money on being finely dressed. His only interest was in going to the theater or in riding about in his carriage where he could show off his new clothes. He had a different costume for every hour of the day. Indeed, where it was said of other kings that they were at court, it could only be said of him that he was in his dressing room!
One day two swindlers came to the emperor's city. They said that they were weavers, claiming that they knew how to make the finest cloth imaginable. Not only were the colors and the patterns extraordinarily beautiful, but in addition, this material had the amazing property that it was to be invisible to anyone who was incompetent or stupid.
"It would be wonderful to have clothes made from that cloth," thought the emperor. "Then I would know which of my men are unfit for their positions, and I'd also be able to tell clever people from stupid one s." So he immediately gave the two swindlers a great sum of money to weave their cloth for him.
They set up their looms and pretended to go to work, although there was nothing at all on the looms. They asked for the finest silk and the purest gold, all of which they hid away, continuing to work on the empty looms, often late into the night.
"I would really like to know how they are coming with the cloth!" thought the emperor, but he was a bit uneasy when he recalled that anyone who was unfit for his position or stupid would not be able to see the material. Of course, he himself had nothing to fear, but still he decided to send someone else to see how the work was progressing.
"I'll send my honest old minister to the weavers," thought the emperor. He's the best one to see how the material is coming. He is very sensible, and no one is more worthy of his position than he.
So the good old minister went into the hall where the two swindlers sat working at their empt y looms. "Goodness!" thought the ol d minister, opening his eyes wide. "I cannot see a thing!" But he did not say so.
The two swindlers invited him to step closer, asking him if it wasn't a beautiful design and if the colors weren't magnificent. They pointed to the empty loom, and the poor old minister opened his eyes wider and wider. He still could see nothing, for nothing was there. "Gracious" he thought. "Is it possible that I am stupid? I have never thought so. Am I unfit for my position? No one must know this. No, it will never do for me to say that I was unable to see the material."
"You aren't saying anything!" said one of the weavers.
"Oh, it is magnificent! The very best!" said the old minister, peering through his glasses. "This pattern and these colors! Yes, I'll tell the emperor that I am very satisfied with it!"
"That makes us happy!" said the two weavers, and they called the colors and the unusual pattern by name. The old minister listened closely so that he would be able say the same things when he reported back to the emperor, and that is exactly what he did.
The swindlers now asked for more money, more silk, and more gold, all of which they hid away. Then they continued to w eave away as before on the empty looms.
The e mperor sent other officials as well to observe the weavers' progress. They too were startled when they saw nothing, and they too reported back t o him how wonderful the material was, advising him to have it made into clothes that he could wear in a grand procession. The entire city was alive in praise of the cloth. "Magnifique! Nysseligt! Excellent!" they said, in all languages. The emperor awarded the swindlers with medals of honor, bestowing on each of them the title Lord Weaver.
The swindlers stayed up the entire night before the proces sion was to take place, burning more than sixteen candles. Everyone could see that they were in a great rush to finish the emperor's new clothes. They pretended to take the material from the looms. They cut in the air with large scissors. They sewed with needles but without any thread. Finally they announced, "Behold! The clothes are finished!"
The emperor came to them with his most distinguished cavaliers. The two swindlers raised their arms as though they were holding something and said, "Just look at these trousers! Here is the jacket! This is the cloak!" and so forth. "They are as light as spider webs! You might think that you didn't have a thing on, but that is the good thing about them."
"Yes," said the cavaliers, but they couldn't see a thing, for nothing was there.
"Would his imperial majesty, if it please his grace, kindly remove his clothes." said the swindlers. "Then we will fit you with the new ones, here in front of the large mirror."
The emperor took off all his clothes, and the swindlers pretended to dre ss him, piece by piece, with the new ones that were to be fitted. They took hold of his waist and pretended to tie something about him. It was the train. Then the emperor turned and looked into the mirror.
"Goodness, they suit you well! What a wonderful fit!" they all said. "What a pattern! What colors! Such luxurious clothes!"
"The canopy to be carried above your majesty awaits outside," said the grandmaster of ceremonies.
"Yes, I am ready! " said the emperor. "Don't they fit well?" He turned once again toward the mirror, because it had to appear as though he were admiring himself in all his glory.
The chamberlains who were to carry the train held their hands just above the floor as if they were picking up the train. As they walked they pretended to hold the train high, for they could not let anyone notice that they could see nothing.
The emperor walked beneath the beautiful canopy in the procession, and all the people in the street and in their windows said, "Goodness, the emperor's new clothes are incomparable! What a beautiful train on his jacke t. What a perfect fit!" No one wanted it to be noticed that he could see nothing, for then it would be said that he was unfit for his position or that he was stupid. None of the emperor's clothes had ever before received such praise.
"But he doesn't have anything on!" said a small child.
"Good Lord, let us hear the voice of an innocent child!" said the father, and whispered to another what the child had said.
"A small child said that he doesn't have anything on!"
Finally everyone was saying, "He doesn't have anything on!"
The emperor shuddered, for he knew that they were right, but he thought, "The procession must go on!" He carried himself even more proudly, and the chamberlains walked along behind carrying the train that wasn't there.

http://www.mindfully.org/Reform/Emperors-New-Clothes.htm (acesso em 18/09/2009)

Depois da primeira leitura dos alunos, volte à história e peça-os para numerar os parágrafos. Mencione um evento da história e eles deverão dizer em que parágrafo esse evento é mencionado. Peça-os que leia o trecho que reproduz o que você mencionou. Ajude-os, em caso de palavras novas com pronúncia desconhecida por eles.

Peça-os para elicitar vocabulário ainda desconhecido e, em conjunto com eles, crie uma lista de palavras novas com suas respectivas traduções. Eles deverão anotar essa informações no caderno ou no verso da folha do texto.


Proponha uma releitura do texto lido (The Emperor's New Clothes) para o mundo de hoje. Divida a turma em grupos e peça que cada grupo crie um texto, apresentando a roupa nova do rei em versão moderna. Depois do processo de peer edition, em que eles trocarão os textos entre os grupos para revisar o que foi feito pelos colegas, recolha os textos e faça a primeira revisão. Devolva os textos aos grupos para que reorganizem o que for necessário, recolha o material novamente e faça a avaliação final.

Os grupos deverão apresentar sua proposta. Aproveite esse momento e promova um debate com a turma sobre a importância da aparência na sociedade contemporânea.

Para finalizar o processo da avaliação, peça aos grupos que ilustrem as propostas elaboradas por eles, em cartazes ou pôsteres, mostrando a roupa nova do rei em versão moderna. O cartaz deve conter informações sucintas, em Inglês, que poderão ser extraídas do texto produzido pelo grupo. Lembre-os que em um cartaz/poster as informações textuais e visuais são equilibradas e defina com eles os critérios para avaliação da produção visual: organização, ortografia (spelling), envolvimento do grupo, relevância das informações disponibilizadas, coerência das imagens com o texto produzido.

Opinião de quem acessou

Quatro estrelas 3 classificações

  • Cinco estrelas 2/3 - 66,67%
  • Quatro estrelas 1/3 - 33,33%
  • Três estrelas 0/3 - 0%
  • Duas estrelas 0/3 - 0%
  • Uma estrela 0/3 - 0%

Denuncie opiniões ou materiais indevidos!


  • Lidiane de Andrade Vilhena., ESC EST ZOLITO DE JESUS NUNES , Amapá - disse:


    Quatro estrelas

    Oi adorei sua metodologia vou aplicar na minha pratica, sou professora do ensino fundamental II, pois consta na matriz esses assuntos.

  • Lidiane de Andrade Vilhena., ESC EST ZOLITO DE JESUS NUNES , Amapá - disse:


    Cinco estrelas

    Oi sou a lidiane e achei muito interessante e estimulante a proposta de seu projeto. Eu sou professora de ensino fundamental e consta na matriz esse assunto de Clothes and colors, vou aplicar algumas de sua metodologia e aplicar na minha pratica.

  • Carolina, EJA , Minas Gerais - disse:


    Cinco estrelas

    Muito boa! Vou usar as ideias para a minha aula.

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