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Vídeo Visual Disability and Labor Market – Part 3 (A Deficiência Visual e o Mercado de Trabalho – Parte 3)


Ficha Técnica

Estrutura curricular

Educação Básica::Ensino Médio::Sociologia::Relação sociedade / natureza: a questão do trabalho e do meio ambiente


To allow people to know about people who are blind and their insertion in Labor Market


“Visual Disability and Labor Market – part 3” continues to show two massotherapists who are blind reporting the main functions of massotherapy and arguing that Visual Disability helps in this profession


The video lasts 06 minutes and 17 seconds. This video is divided in three parts, and this is the first one. To visualize the resource, it is necessary to install Windows Media Player, Media Player Classic or Real Player


Alinne Alves Rodrigues, Paloma

Fonte do recurso



Cession therm given by the author or his representative, straightly from the Ministry of Education, which allows reproduction, translation, distribution and transference

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Português 32.487 MB 2495
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